Thursday 13 July 2017

Tri X Reversal Trading System

Bem-vindo ao Novaglaze Ltd Candeeiros planos, curvados ou curvados (muitas vezes temperados ou laminados para segurança), candeeiros, balaustradas e janelas vitrificadas simples, duplas ou triplas processadas a partir de vidro recoberto, baixo E ou mesmo autolimpiante, como a Pilkington Activ cria para arquitetos e designers edifícios atraentes E mobiliário. A Novaglaze tem capacidade interna para dobrar e processar o vidro com até 6 m de comprimento e pode aplicar uma variedade de acabamentos, como impressão cerâmica de imagens e areia. Arquitetos e designers são capazes de criar edifícios e móveis atraentes, usando vidro plano e curvo para uma variedade de aplicações, incluindo cúpulas, balaustradas, tanto interna como externamente. A Novaglaze tem a capacidade interna de dobrar e processar óculos de 4mm a 25mm até 6meters de comprimento e oferecer uma variedade de acabamentos, tais como jateamento, impressão cerâmica de imagens, pintura, controle solar e vidro autolimpiante, como o Pilkington Activ. Nós também fabricamos unidades de vidros duplos e triplos.1: 22h Nexstar confirma que a FCC concedeu os pedidos e os pedidos de renúncia relacionados pela Media General (MEG), além disso, a FCC renunciou à proibição da consumação da transactio, que permanece em andamento (NXST ). 1:12 pm A EnerJex Resources recebe uma carta de descumprimento da NYSE por não ter realizado uma reunião anual para o exercício findo em 31 de dezembro de 2015 (ENRJ). 1:01 pm Willdan Group recebe um novo contrato de base de 75 anos de base para o programa de instalação direta comercial da New York City e do distrito de WESTCHESTER (WLDN). Este novo programa substitui e expande o programa de instalação direta Con Edisons Small Business, que Willdan implementou desde 2009, aumentando o tamanho dos clientes comerciais elegíveis e diversificando as ofertas do programa. Willdan espera que haja adições ao contrato base, que se encerra no final do ano de 2019. O contrato base não inclui o Programa de Vizinhança do Brooklyn Queens, expansões descritas no caso de taxa de liquidação conjunta proposta ou áreas adicionais de foco do programa. 1:00 pm Resumo do mercado do meio-dia: mercado de ações modestamente inferior ao meio-dia (: WRAPX): as ações são modestamente baixas esta tarde com o SampP 500 mostrando uma perda de 0,2. A Média Industrial Dow Jones (0.1) supera, negociando logo acima de sua linha plana. A sessão de hoje começou com algumas notícias corporativas mistas. O Signet Jewelers (SIG 84.15, -3.31) caiu 3,8 depois que a empresa cortou o lucro do quarto trimestre por ação e as linhas de orientação de vendas da mesma loja na parte traseira de algumas vendas de férias fracas. A Ford Motor (F 12.61, -0.24) também está passando para baixo, perdendo 1,8, apesar de emitir orientação on-line nesta manhã. Por outro lado, a United Continental (UAL 75.60, 1.94) é mais alta em 2,7 depois que a empresa obteve a orientação da receita da unidade do quarto trimestre. No entanto, o maior motor do mercado foi a conferência de imprensa do presidente eleito Trumps, que terminou não há muito tempo. A maioria dos setores permanece perto de suas linhas planas, pois os investidores digerem a conferência de imprensa, o que é curto em detalhes sobre os gastos planejados em infraestrutura. Finanças, consumidores discricionários, industriais, materiais, tecnologia, bens de consumo e comércio imobiliário dentro de 0,2 de suas respectivas linhas planas. O Sr. Trump expressou o desejo de trazer de volta as operações farmacêuticas aos Estados Unidos e expressou apoio para a oferta competitiva de preços de medicamentos. A Biotecnologia mergulhou como resultado, evidenciada pelo declínio 3.3 no iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF (IBB 277.44, -9.06). O setor de cuidados de saúde (-1.7) também está para baixo, caindo para a parte inferior da tabela de classificação. Por outro lado, o setor de energia (1.1) conduz seus pares, avaliando um desempenho positivo do petróleo bruto. A commodity continua a aumentar, acima de 3.3 em 52.46bbl, apesar dos dados de EIA que mostram construções de inventário notáveis ​​em todas as frentes. O setor de serviços públicos (0,5) é o único outro espaço de forma convincente no verde. Os títulos do Tesouro dos Estados Unidos viram um ligeiro aumento na compra de interesse na sequência da conferência de imprensa do Sr. Trumps. O rendimento de 10 anos caiu dois pontos base para 2,36. Além disso, o Índice de Dólar dos Estados Unidos (101.93, -0.08) retornou inalterado após mostrar um sólido ganho na ação da manhã. Os dados econômicos de hoje apenas foram o Índice de Mortgage MBA, que atravessou os fios às 7:00 da manhã da manhã desta manhã. O índice chegou em 5,8. 12:53 pm Aumento da linha de acabamento DIVIDENDO TRIMESTRAL PARA 0.11SHARE DE 0.10SHARE (FINL). 12:30 pm A Medovex conclui um acordo de distribuição com o AlfaMed s. r.l. Um fornecedor de equipamentos inovadores de cirurgia da coluna vertebra a distribuição do seu sistema DENERVEX em toda a Itália (MDVX). 12:20 pm TexTRON COMEÇA TESTES DE ÁGUA PARA O VEÍCULO DE SUPERFÍCIE UNONADO (TXT) da QUARTA GERAÇÃO: estamos ansiosos para iniciar o teste de nível de sistema de nosso primeiro sistema UISS com capacidades de contramedidas de minas para a Marinha dos EUA, diz o vice-presidente de Sistemas de controle e superfície Wayne Prender. QuotUnmanned tecnologia chegou tão longe, e estamos ansiosos para começar a aplicar a nossa tecnologia crítica para proteger os nossos guerreiros Naval. O sistema CUSV da quarta geração da tecnologia Textron Systems não é um veículo de superfície sem tripulação com uma grande, configurável Baía de carga útil. Desde a sua primeira demonstração em 2009, o CUSV completou com êxito vários exercícios proeminentes com a Marinha dos EUA. 12:16 pm Calendário de ganhos para quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro (: SUMRX). Hoje, após o fim de procurar as seguintes empresas para reportar: KBHManhã antes do olhar aberto para as seguintes empresas para reportar: TSM, DAL, SJR, FCEL 12:03 pm KC Southern, Watco e WTC Industrial anunciam um JV INVESTMENT QUE FACILITARÁ E EXPANDE A EXPORTAÇÃO DE COMBUSTÍVEIS LÍQUIDOS DOS EUA PARA O MÉXICO (KSU). Os parceiros da joint venture investirão aproximadamente US 45 milhões nesta fase do projeto, que tem uma conclusão antecipada no segundo trimestre de 2017. Prevê-se que o projeto do terminal inclua, eventualmente, uma instalação de armazenamento que forneça combustíveis de varejo para a população Do México Central. 11:55 am Preços de fechamento dos mercados europeus (: SUMRX). Os mercados europeus estão agora fechados. Os mercados de ações em toda a Europa realizaram o seguinte: UKs FTSE: 0.2 Germanys DAX: 0.5 Frances CAC: 0.0 Spas IBEX: -0.6 Portugues PSI: -0.6 Italys Índice MIB: 0.3 Índice irlandês Ovrl: 0.3 Grécia Índice Geral ASE: 0,4 11:42 am Floor Talk: Preço Pushback (: TALKX): Os principais índices estavam empurrando seus máximos para o dia em que a conferência de imprensa do presidente eleito Trumps começou. Logo após o presidente eleito começar suas observações, os principais índices foram revoltados de forma uniforme, precipitado por um comentário do presidente eleito Trump de que precisa haver uma oferta mais competitiva de preços de medicamentos e que outras indústrias também precisam ver mais concorrência. O setor de cuidados de saúde (-1.7) tem sido um pacesetter no pullback, já que os estoques farmacêuticos e farmacêuticos principais recuaram na manchete, mas a maioria dos setores também reagiu negativamente. O Índice de Biotecnologia iShares Nasdaq (IBB 278.48, -8.02, -3.4) é um notável desempenho inferior. A conferência de imprensa ainda está em andamento, embora a venda de joelhos para algumas conversas difíceis sobre a necessidade de aumentar a concorrência para reduzir as despesas do governo sublinha a sensibilidade dos mercados de ações ao risco de título político na transição para uma nova administração. Os principais índices estão todos em níveis de sessão agora, enquanto o Índice de Dólar dos EUA e a nota de 10 anos estão empurrando altos níveis de sessão em alguma atividade de aversão ao risco. 11:37 AM LOCKHEED MARTIN DROPS SEGUINDO COMENTÁRIOS DO PRESIDENTE-ELECT DONALD TRUMP SOBRE O PROGRAMA F-35 (LMT). 11:32 AM STOCKS DROP À SESSÃO BAIXA COMO O PRÊMIO ELETINO TROMPE PRIMEa PRIMEIRA CONFERÊNCIA DE IMPRENSA SampP 500 -0.2 QQQ -0.3, DIA 0.1 (SPY). 11h10 PTC Therapeutics estende a força recente até 10 meses de alta após a apresentação na JPM Healthcare Conference (PTCT). 11:05 am Realidade Social anuncia que a SRAXmd relatou que o registro revirado não auditado em reservas de 2016 para janeiro de 2017 aumentou 100 vs janeiro de 2016 (SRAX). A revolução não auditada de dezembro de 2016 para o SRAXmd aumentou 90 anos a partir de 2015 e a revolução não auditada do 4º trimestre para o SRAXmd em 2016 superou a reviração anual total registrada para o SRAXmd em 2015 com um crescimento de 85 não auditado no quarto trimestre. Com base em informações financeiras preliminares não auditadas, a linha de produtos SRAXmd terminou o ano com a aceleração de 2016 em relação à rev acumulada em 2015. 11:01 AM COMENTÁRIOS DE TRANSMISSÃO DE SINCLAIR SOBRE RELATÓRIOS RECENTES RELATIVOS À COBERTURA POLÍTICA DAS CAMPANHAS PRESIDENCIAIS CHAMAM O POSTE DE WASHINGTON UMA VEZ RESPEITO AO JORNAL (SBGI): Excerto do formulário Quotan Op Ed da Empresa submetido ao Washington Post, que o Post se recusou a publicar. Quot. A sua peça sobre a cobertura política da Sinclairs foi enganosa e irresponsável. Muitos fatos importantes foram omitidos, fatos que seu jornal estava ciente e se recusou a incluir no artigo. Sua história foi em grande parte baseada em detalhes publicados em um artigo Politico da semana anterior. Sinclair foi acima e além com ofertas de entrevista para ambas as campanhas. Este era um projeto completamente transparente chamado quotBeyond the Podiumquot, onde os candidatos podiam falar direta e detalhadamente sobre os telespectadores em temas-chave. O simples fato é que um candidato aproveitou esta oferta e o outro não. Fizemos questão de ter um porta-voz do partido democrático ou um substituto de Clinton em cada SEMANA. TODOS OS DETALHES FORAM IGNORADOS EM FAVOR DE UMA HISTÓRIA MAIS SALÁRIA PERIGO DE INTRIGO E CONSPIRAÇÃO. quot 11:01 am General Comm adquire termos Northpoint Consulting não divulgados (GNCMA). A Northpoint fornece serviços de consultoria, ANÁLISE E SEGURANÇA DE REDE, GESTÃO DE MIGRAÇÃO DE NUVAS E PROJETO DE COMUNICAÇÕES, PARA MUITAS DAS COMPANHIAS TOP FORTUNE 500 NATIONWIDE. 10:51 AM MOVIMENTOS NOTÁVEIS DE INTERESSE MSM 7.7 SOBRE Q1 EPS BEAT, Q2 GUIDANCE (SCANX): Os seguintes são alguns dos motores de interesse mais notáveis ​​de hoje, categorizados por capitalização de mercado (grande cap sobre 10 bilhões e tampão médio entre 2-10 Bilhões) e classificado por mudança (todos os estoques acima de 100K de volume diário médio). Large Cap Gainers WDAY (80,48 8,24): Mais alto depois que os analistas do lado da venda lidam com o grande cliente. MRK (62,99 5,12): Recebe a aceitação pela FDA do pedido de licença de produtos biológicos suplementares para Keytruda em combo com quimioterapia para o tratamento de primeira linha do câncer de pulmão de células não pequenas e não escamosas metastáticas. UAL (76,51 3,87): Espera que a unidade de passageiros consolidada Q416 rev diminua 1,25-1,75 (3-4 anteriores) em comparação com Q416. Great Cap Losers JNPR (27,84 -1.99): Downgraded to Sell from Hold no Deutsche Bank. EQT (62,58 -1,2): rebaixado para o Market Perform de Outperform no BMO Capital. Mid Cap Gainers MSM (99,31 7,74): relatórios Q1 EPS beat, guia Q2 EPS acima do consenso. GMED (26,73 5,57): Relata as vendas pré-Q4 acima do consenso e emite as orientações do FY17 em linha. Mid Cap Losers NICE (66,47 -4,03): espera que o Q4 e o FY16 revEPS sejam iguais ou superiores ao ponto médio da orientação anterior, autoriza o novo programa expandido de recompra de ações de 150 mln, elimina o dividendo no 1T17, o amplificador inicia oferta comercial de 225 mln de Notas de alto escalão permutáveis ​​em 2024. VIPS (11.07 -4.24): INICIADO COM UMA SUBSTITUIÇÃO NA BERNSTEIN TGT 10. 10:45 AM CADENCE DESIGN ANUNCIA QUE A ALTASENS APROVOU A SOLUÇÃO DE TESTE DE CADÊNCIA MODUS PARA SEUS SENSORES DE IMAGEM DE PRODUÇÃO PRÓXIMA DE SINAL MISTURADO (CDNS ). 10:20 am Energia, transportes, forte no início do comércio com metais, varejo e atraso positivo em comparação com SPY 0.1 (SPY). USO 1,25 UUP 0,89 IYT 0,62 OIH 0,58 HACK 0,47 DIA 0,28 XOP 0,17SLV -1,32 XME -0,92 XRT -0,89 GLD -0,77 XBI -0,59 IBB -0,42 XLRE -0,36 9:44 am Resumo do mercado de abertura: Mercado de ações abre plano (: WRAPX ): As ações abriram a sessão de hoje plana com o SampP 500 inalterado do nível de fechamento de ontem. O Dow supera ligeiramente com um ganho de 0,1. O setor de serviços públicos (0,3) tomou a liderança inicial, seguido de ganhos modestos de cuidados de saúde (0,2) e grampos de consumo (0,1). Por outro lado, na parte inferior da tabela de classificação estão os serviços de telecomunicações (-0,9), as finanças (-0,4) e os imóveis (-0,2). O SETOR TECNOLÓGICO DE PESO SUPERIOR (UNCH) está perto da sua linha plana. TESOUROS SÃO TAMBÉM APARELHOS EM AÇÃO PRÉVIA. O RENDIMENTO 10-YR NÃO ESTÁ INQUÉRITO À 2.38. 9:40 AM O CRESCIMENTO RESIDENCIAL BLUEROCK PREÇOS 4 MLN OFERTA DE STOCK COMUNS EM 13.15SHARE --SHARES HALTED-- (BRG). 9:29 am On The Wires (: WIRES). A XPO Logistics, Inc. (XPO) recebeu um contrato de cadeia de suprimentos pelo líder de energia global Cummins Inc. (CMI) para suportar seus clientes em todo o mundo. A XPO Logistics operará o centro de distribuição de peças primárias da Cummins a partir deste mês, gerenciando aproximadamente 800 trabalhadores e mais de 2.700 pedidos enviados diariamente. A US Geothermal (HTM) anunciou que a estimativa da capacidade do reservatório geotérmico associada ao seu projeto San Emidio II aumentou da estimativa anterior de 10 megawatts líquidos, para uma capacidade de geração estimada de até 47 megawatts líquidos. Esta capacidade aumentada é adicional aos atuais 10 megawatts produzidos pela planta existente de San Emidio I. O Hortonworks (HDP) anunciou uma colaboração tecnológica de fonte aberta com Neustar (NSR) para criar ferramentas de gerenciamento de segurança e identidade para dispositivos IoT. Maior serviço coreano O provedor LG U (um membro do Grupo LG) selecionou a tecnologia Juniper Networks (JNPR) para sua atualização de rede 5G de próxima geração, que inclui o recurso de refletor de rotas virtuais Juniper Networks no vMX e os Switches Ethernet EX4300EX2200.JetBlue (JBLU ) Anunciou o seu melhor aprimoramento a bordo: conectividade Wi-Fi sempre gratuita em todas as aeronaves desde o portão de partida até o portão de chegada. Perry Ellis International (PERY) celebrou um contrato de licença com a Euroneck, SA de CV para projetar e distribuir gravatas para homens, gravatas, cascos de cummerbunds, bolsos de bolso, ascots, inverno e verão e meias sob as marcas registradas Perry Ellis e John Henry no México . A coleção será distribuída em lojas de departamento, lojas especializadas e comércio eletrônico com um lançamento de produto na primavera de 2017. A Mentor Graphics Corp. (MENT) anunciou que a TSMC (TSM) ampliou sua colaboração com Mentor Graphics na plataforma Xpedition Enterprise em conjunto com a Plataforma de calibração para o projeto e verificação da tecnologia de empacotamento InFO (Integrated Fan-Out) TSMCs para aplicações de integração com chip multi-chip e DRAM. A Mentor desenvolveu nova funcionalidade Xpedition especificamente para suportar o InFO e habilitar o designer de pacote IC para concluir as tarefas de design com as especificações TSMC. Ao alavancar os recursos das tecnologias Caliber e HyperLynx, a nova funcionalidade Xpedition minimiza o esforço do designer e os ciclos de verificação das regras de projeto necessários para alcançar um arquivo GDS InFO da RDC-clean. Verizon (VZ) completou o que acredita ser o primeiro teste de interoperabilidade de NG-PON2 (próxima geração de rede óptica passiva) tecnologia. ADTRAN (ADTN) participou do recente teste de interoperabilidade Verizons da tecnologia NG-PON2. O teste, que apresentou vários fornecedores de tecnologia diferentes e foi alinhado com a especificação OMIC da Verizons Open, provou que as soluções de vários fornecedores para o término da linha óptica no terminal do provedor de serviços e o terminal da rede óptica no final do cliente podem expandir grandemente a largura de banda entregue Sem impactar os assinantes de banda larga existentes na mesma linha de fibra. Este teste mostra ainda melhor escalabilidade do serviço e elasticidade operacional que fornece NG-PON2. Isso inclui o maior nível de flexibilidade de largura de banda, maximizando a automação da rede SDNNFV e permitindo a rápida criação e entrega de serviços ao cliente. Ericsson (ERIC) e Cisco (CSCO) estão ampliando sua parceria estratégica para incluir uma nova oferta de solução Wi-Fi, chamada Redes Wi-Fi evoluídas. A EWN combina o acesso Ericssons 3GPP, as principais redes e aplicações com o portfólio Ciscos Wi-Fi, para fornecer Wi-Fi confiável com o maior desempenho para clientes de dispositivos móveis, cabos e outras indústrias da Ericssons. A New York Stock Exchange, parte da Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), anunciou planos para expandir suas operações de negociação baseadas no chão, oferecendo aos investidores um acesso ainda maior para negociar todos os títulos dos EUA pela primeira vez com um modelo de mercado único e comprovado da NYSE. Serviços financeiros descobertos (DFS) e PayPal (PYPL) assinaram um acordo tornando o PayPal mais amplamente disponível para Discover cardmembers, adquirentes e comerciantes. A Pactícia concluiu um acordo de liquidação com Volkswagen (VLKAY), Audi (AUDVF) e Porsche (POAHY) RELATIVO A PAICES HYBRID VEHICLE PATENTES. OS TERMOS DO ACORDO SÃO CONFIDENCIAIS. O ACORDO traz um fim para todas as questões legais pendentes entre as empresas. O PAICE E A ABELL FOUNDATION FORAM UMA RECLAMAÇÃO DE INFRACÇÃO DE PATENTES COM A COMISSÃO DE COMÉRCIO INTERNACIONAL DOS EUA (CCI) em abril de 2016. Uma audiência no ITC estava prevista para janeiro de 2017. 9:18 am Terreno Realty relata sua atividade de operação, investimento e mercado de capitais Para o 4T16 (TRNO): Em 31 de dezembro de 2016, a Terreno Realty Corporation detém 166 edifícios que totalizam 12,0 milhões de pés quadrados e cinco parcelas de terra melhoradas que consistem em 22,8 hectares. As principais medidas operacionais foram as seguintes: a carteira total foi de 97,4 arrendada para 376 inquilinos, em comparação com 96,4 em 30 de setembro de 2016 e 91,5 em 31 de dezembro de 2015. A mesma carteira de loja de 8,6 milhões de metros quadrados foi arrendada em 31 de dezembro de 2016 em 99 Em comparação com 97,9 em 30 de setembro de 2016 e 92,6 em 31 de dezembro de 2015 As rendas de dinheiro em arrendamentos novos e renovados totalizando 0,6 milhões de pés quadrados, começando no quarto trimestre, aumentaram 1,8 milhões de pés quadrados, DENTRO DOS DOZ MESES FINDOS EM 31 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2016 AUMENTADO APROXIMADAMENTE 19.2 . 9:16 AM NUMEREX CORP. TERMINA O EMPREGO DA MARC ZIONTS COMO O CEO CFO KENNETH GAYRON ASSUNIRÁ O PAPEL ADICIONAL DOS NOMBRES PESSOAIS INTERMEDIAIS KELLY GAY COMO O COO ANTICIPA A RECEITA MELHORARÁ NO ANO PRÓXIMO DA BASE DA ANA (NMRX). O encerramento do Sr. Zionts não estava relacionado a nenhuma contabilidade da Companhia, controles internos ou relatórios financeiros. Kenneth Gayron, Diretor Financeiro, assumirá o papel adicional de CEO interino trabalhando em estreita colaboração com a Diretoria Completa enquanto a Companhia realiza uma pesquisa Para um CEO permanente. Além disso, Kelly Gay concordou em se juntar à Numerex como Diretor de Operações e trabalhará em estreita colaboração com a Ken para gerenciar a gama de soluções de segurança e IoT da Companys e a base de clientes diversificada da empresa. A experiência anterior da Gays inclui o funcionamento da segurança da Numerexs e as linhas de produtos judiciais como Presidente da Security Solutions e contribuiu para várias iniciativas estratégicas da Companhia. Espera-se que a Companhia melhore significativamente o desempenho do EBITDA em relação a 2016, com estimativas de EBITDA ajustado que variam de 8,5 milhões a 10 milhões. Prevê-se que a receita melhore, em termos homólogos, também. A Companhia fornecerá uma estimativa das expectativas de receita do ano inteiro pela próxima conferência de resultados agendada. 9:14 am SampP futuros versus valor justo: 1,50. Nasdaq futuros versus valor justo: 4,80. (: WRAPX): O mercado acionário está pronto para abrir um pouco mais alto, já que o mercado de futuros SampP 500 possui dois pontos acima do valor justo. O petróleo bruto é por primeira vez em três dias, em meio a relatórios de que a Arábia Saudita, o maior exportador do mundo, planeja cortar o abastecimento para a Ásia. A commodity é maior em 0.4, negociando em 51.03bbl. Na frente corporativa, a United Continental (UAL 75,00, 1,34) é maior em 1,8 no mercado pré-mercado depois que a empresa obteve a orientação da receita da unidade do quarto trimestre. Por outro lado, a Ford Motor (F 12.75, -0.10) está a baixar mais baixos em 0,8, apesar de reafirmar a sua perspectiva de lucro pré-imposto ajustada para 2016 e a crença de que o lucro antes de impostos ajustado em 2017 será um pouco inferior ao de 2016. Signet Jewelers (SIG 83.90 , -3,56) também está desacelerando, perdendo 4,1, depois que a empresa cortou seus lucros por ação no quarto trimestre e as linhas de orientação de vendas da mesma loja na parte traseira de algumas vendas de férias fracas. Os títulos do Tesouro dos EUA viram um ligeiro aumento na compra de juros com o rendimento de 10 anos em um ponto base para 2,37. Além disso, o Índice de Dólar dos Estados Unidos (102,39, 0,38) é maior em 0,4 em meio à fraqueza no euro (1,0513) e no iene japonês (116,19). Embora não existam grandes relatórios econômicos hoje, é provável que os investidores optem pela conferência de imprensa mais importante do presidente eleito. SR. O TRUMP ESTÁ HABILITADO DE FALAR DA LOJA DE TORRE DA TROMÉ ÀS 11 AM ET. 9:09 AM US GEOTHERMAL ANUNCIA QUE A ESTIMATIVA DA CAPACIDADE DE RESERVATÓRIO GEOTÉRMICO ASSOCIADO AO SEU PROJETO SAN EMIDIO II AUMENTOU DA ESTIMATIVA ANTERIOR DE 10 MEGAWATTS NETOS, A UMA CAPACIDADE DE GERAÇÃO ESTIMADA DE ATÉ 47 MEGAWATTS NET (HTM). Co estados, a capacidade de adicionar uma MAIOR INSTANTÂNEA PARA O NOSSO SAN EMIDIO COMPLEX AJUDA A REDUZIR O CAPITAL E OS CUSTOS OPERACIONAIS, E DAR-NOS UM PROJETO COMPETITIVO MUITO COSTO. ADICIONALMENTE, PERMITIRÁ QUE DEPREVAMOS DOIS, OU POSSIBLEMENTEMENTE TRÊS, DAS INSTALAÇÕES DE POTÊNCIA PRÉ-POSITIVAMENTE QUALQUER AQUISIÇÃO QUE HEMOS ANUNCIADO NO ANO 2016.quot 9:07 am Problemas cirúrgicos intuitivos nas vendas preliminares Q4 preliminares (ISRG). Co vê as rotações do quarto trimestre 757 mln vs 739,68 mln Estimativa de Consenso do Capital IQ Em 2016, aproximadamente 753 mil procedimentos cirúrgicos foram realizados com o Sistema Cirúrgico da Vinci, um aumento de aproximadamente 15 em comparação com aproximadamente 652,000 procedimentos realizados em 2015. O crescimento no volume global do procedimento de 2016 foi Principalmente impulsionado pelo crescimento nos procedimentos de cirurgia geral dos EUA e procedimentos urológicos mundiais. Os procedimentos da Vinci aumentaram aproximadamente 15 para o quarto trimestre de 2016, em comparação com o quarto trimestre de 2015. A Companhia espera que os procedimentos totais da Vinci cresçam aproximadamente 9 a 12 em 2017. Estamos satisfeitos com os resultados do quarto trimestre e encorajados pelas nossas oportunidades futuras . Em 2017, estamos ansiosos para avançar várias inovações importantes de desenvolvimento de produtos visando melhorar ainda mais os resultados do paciente e expandir o número de pacientes que podem diminuir os benefícios das Terapias minimamente invasivas ROBÓTICAMENTE INVASIVAS EM TODO O MUNDO. ANTECEMOS ACELERAR ATÉ 80 MILHÕES DE INVESTIGAÇÃO, DESENVOLVIMENTO E INVESTIMENTO CLÍNICO EM 2017.quot 9:07 am A Endurance International anuncia que os domínios do Google (GOOGL) selecionaram sua marca Bluehost para fornecer soluções de hospedagem do WordPress para clientes novos e existentes (EIGI) . 9:05 am McClatchy para vender o arrendamento de ampliação de propriedade real de The Sacramento Bee em Sacramento, Califórnia e The State Media Company na Carolina do Sul por 67,8 milhões de habitantes (MNI). Essas transações estão sujeitas a condições de fechamento habituais e deverão fechar-se no segundo trimestre de 2017. Após o fechamento das transações, a empresa deve primeiro oferecer o produto após impostos das vendas em par para os segurados garantidos de acordo com A indenização por títulos garantidos 9.0 com vencimento em 2022. Com a contratação de títulos não garantidos, a empresa possui 90 dias de calendário para reduzir a dívida de aproximadamente 48,0 milhões (sujeito a variação com base nas taxas de mercado no fechamento das transações), o que Reflete a dívida atribuível associadaD COM OS LOCAIS. SE OS OBRIGATÓRIOS SEGUROS ESCOLHER NÃO PARTICIPAR NA OFERTA PAR, A COMPANHIA PODERÁ PROCEDER ALTERNATIVAMENTE PARA REDUZIR ALGUNS DOS SEUS OBRIGAÇÕES NÃO GARANTIDAS COM O PROCESSO APÓS O IMPOSTO PARA ENCONTRAR SEUS REQUISITOS DE 90-CALENDAR-DIA PARA A REDUÇÃO DA DÍVIDA. 9:03 AM A KLX ANUNCIA NOVOS PRÉMIOS DE NEGÓCIOS PARA SEU NEGÓCIO DO GRUPO DE SOLUÇÕES DE AEROSPACE VALIDO EM APROXIMAÇÃO. 300 MLN NO AGREGADO (KLXI). Co estados, quotAs indicados na nossa chamada de ganhos mais recente, estes novos prêmios proGRAM FORAM NO PROCESSO DE NEGOCIAÇÃO DURANTE O QUARTO TRIMESTRE E AGORA FOI ADJUDICADO OFICIALMENTE À KLX. ESTES NOVOS PROGRAMAS ESTÃO ESPERADOS PARA GERAR APROXIMADAMENTE 60 MILHÕES POR ANO DE RECEITAS ANUAIS ADICIONAIS APÓS UM PERÍODO DE TRANSIÇÃO DE 12 MESES. quot 9:03 am Landauer anuncia acordo com a Gilead Capital, concorda em nomear seu Diretor de Investimento, Sócio Gerente e Co-Fundador Jeffrey A. Strong para o Conselho de Administração (LDR). A nomeação de Strongs faz parte de um acordo com a Gilead Capital LP, segundo o qual a Gilead concordou em retirar sua lista de candidatos a eleições para a reunião anual de 2017, para todos os diretores de LANDAUERS, e para outras provisões de garantia customizada. EM CONFORMIDADE COM O ACORDO COM A GILEAD, A COMPANHIA TAMBÉU ACORDOU NOMEAR UM NOVO DIRECTOR INDEPENDENTE MUTUAMENTE AGRADÁVEL COM GILEAD PARA A ELEIÇÃO NA REUNIÃO ANUAL ANUAL DE 2018 9:03 AM ACIONISTA DE IMUNOMÉDICOS VENBIO ENVIA LETRA AO CONSELHO DE IMMU NOMINA 4 CANDIDATOS PARA A ELEIÇÃO PARA A JUNTA DO COS NA PRÓXIMA REUNIÃO ANUAL DE 2016 (IMMU): Destaques da carta (conforme declarado pelo venBio Select Advisor): Crê que as mudanças são urgentemente necessárias para construir o valor sustentado do acionista e uma série correta de erros estratégicos estratégicos. Compromete a falha da empresa em avançar significativamente O CANDIDATO DE DROGAS UNU-132 PARA CANCER DE MAMA NEGATIVO TRIPLE NÃO DEVE SER DESTRUÍDO POR ANÚNCIOS RECENTES REATIVOS DA COMPANHIA, INCLUINDO NOVAS NOTÍCIAS DA JUNTA. NOTÍCIAS DA JUNTA DE VENBIOS - EM CONTRASTE ÀS EMPRESAS DE CANDIDATOS - POSSUEM A DIRETA EXPERIÊNCIA E CAPACIDADE DE ENTREGAR UM TRATAMENTO IMPORTANTE OPÇÕES PARA PACIENTES. GRAVE OS ACIONISTAS A VOTAR PARA VENBIOS QUATRO NOMINAS NO CARTÃO DE PROXY DO OURO. 9:01 AM BELDEN e CORNING (GLW) anunciam uma colaboração técnica no campo de conectividade de banda larga que resolve a patente pendente e os procedimentos relacionados entre o COS que envolve a série EFC dos conectores COAXIAL CABLE, TERMOS NÃO DIVULGADOS (BDC). Esperamos que as macro tendências que permitam o crescimento dessa tecnologia para continuar no futuro, como a intensidade de banda larga, a computação em nuvem ea quantidade de dispositivos conectados à internet continuam a crescer de forma exponencial. quot 9:01 am Vertex Pharma licenças 4 oncologia pesquisa desenvolvimento de programas Para a Merck KGaA (MKGAY) por um pagamento antecipado de 230 milhões de reais de royalties sobre vendas de futuros (VRTX): com este acordo estratégico, fortalecemos significativamente nosso pipeline de oncologia em duas áreas atraentes onde temos competência líder, danos e reparos de DNA e imuno - Oncologia - áreas que também possuem sinergias terapêuticas promissoras, como disse BELEN GARIJO, CEO HEALTHCARE E MEMBRO DA JUNTA EXECUTIVA DA MERCK KGAA, DARMSTADT, ALEMANHA. Este acordo ressalta nosso compromisso de acelerar a inovação para pacientes com câncer e estamos entusiasmados com a oportunidade de construir uma ciência rigorosa de Vertex e avançar esses programas líderes. Os dois programas de estágio clínico representam abordagens de primeira classe para inibir o reparo de DNA Caminhos que são fundamentais para a sobrevivência e proliferação de certos tipos de câncer: uma ataxia telangiectasia e um programa de inibidor de proteína quinase relacionado com Rad3 (ATR) composto por dois compostos, VX-970 e VX-803. O VX-970 está sendo investigado amplamente através de 10 ensaios em fase 1 e fase 2 em curso em uma variedade de tumores e subtipos de pacientes esperados para responder à inibição de ATR com base em dados de biomarcadores. Os dados clínicos preliminares do VX-970 foram apresentados na Reunião Anual da Sociedade Americana de Oncologia Clínica 2016 (ASCO) e na Reunião Anual da Associação Americana de Pesquisa do Câncer de 2016 (AACR). VX-803 é um inibidor de ATR doseado oralmente atualmente em ensaios de Fase 1, avaliando doses escalonantes de VX-803 sozinhas e em combinação com quimioterapia. Um programa inibidor de proteína quinase (ADN-PK) dependente do DNA, incluindo o candidato clínico VX-984. Um ensaio de Fase 1 está agora avaliando doses crescentes de VX-984 sozinhas e em combinação com doxorrubicina lipossomal pegilada em indivíduos com tumores sólidos avançados. A Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Alemanha combinará esses ativos com seus ativos de DNA-PK existentes em um único programa de desenvolvimento. A colaboração e o correspondente pagamento antecipado de 230 milhões estão sujeitos à expiração do período de espera sob o Hart-Scott-Rodino Acção de Melhoramento da Antitrust. 8:57 am On The Wires (: WIRES). Hemispherx Biopharma (HEB) anunciou que o programa de acesso antecipado europeu rintatolimod projetado para permitir o acesso do composto a pacientes com MECFS foi estendido para pacientes com câncer de pâncreas que começam na Holanda. O primeiro paciente foi administrado e vários outros pacientes estão na fila para receber o rintatolimod. O MyTomorrows, o provedor de serviços exclusivo da Hemispherx na Europa e na Turquia, administrará todas as atividades do EAP relacionadas à extensão, além de suas atividades existentes em relação ao uso do acesso antecipado em pacientes com síndrome de fadiga crônica. A Coreophotonics, uma tecnologia de câmera dupla de desenvolvimento para smartphones, iniciou recentemente 15 milhões de rodadas de financiamento. Até à data, a empresa arrecadou mais de 50 milhões. Participar na rodada de financiamento atual são uma série de investidores estratégicos: Samsung (SSNLF) Ventures, Foxconn (FXCNY), Taiwans MediaTek e um OEM de nível 1 para o smartphone. Dois fundos de investimento adicionais participaram desta rodada de financiamento, um da China e outro de Hong Kong. Enel SpA (ENLAY), por meio de sua subsidiária Enel Green Power North America, Inc. adquiriu uma participação de 100% na Demand Energy Networks, Inc. Uma empresa com sede nos EUA especializada em software inteligente e sistemas de armazenamento de energia. Demand Energys experiência central está no mercado de armazenamento atrás do metro. A empresa realizou 24 projetos desde a sua criação, totalizando 3 MW9 MWh de capacidade instalada nos EUA e na América Latina, e possui uma tubulação com mais de 30 MW100 MWh. 8:52 am SampP futuros versus valor justo: -1.30. Nasdaq futuros versus valor justo: 1,00. (: WRAPX): os futuros do SampP 500 trocam um ponto abaixo do valor justo. Os mercados na região da Ásia-Pacífico encerraram quarta-feira em uma nota mista, mas o dia de negociação foi bastante silencioso. O Banco Mundial reduziu suas perspectivas de crescimento do PIB para 2017 e 2018, mas o ajuste reduziu apenas a previsão anterior em 10 pontos base. A previsão para 2017 foi reduzida para 2,7 a partir de 2,8. A previsão de crescimento dos EUA para 2017 foi mantida em 2.2 devido ao impacto esperado do estímulo fiscal sob a nova administração. Em dados econômicos: Japans November Leading Index 102.7 (esperado 102,6 anterior 100,8). Indicador de Coincidência de Novembro de 1,6 mês a mês (último 1,0) Coreia do Sul Dezembro A taxa de desemprego diminuiu para 3,4 de 3,6. Índice de preços de importação de dezembro 9,2 ano a ano (último 3,6) e Índice de preços de exportação de dezembro 6,3 ano a ano (últimos 3,5) --- Mercados de ações --- Japans Nikkei adicionou 0,3. Os nomes sensíveis ao crescimento como SUMCO, Nippon Sheet Glass, Kobe Steel, Sumitomo Metal Mining, Japan Steel Works, Mitsubishi Materials e Ebara registraram ganhos entre 2,0 e 4,4. Hong Kongs Hang Seng subiu 0.8 em meio à força em nomes de propriedades e finanças. Sino Land, Desenvolvimento do Novo Mundo, Hang Lung Properties, Cheung Kong Property Holdings, China Overseas, Bank of China, Ping An Insurance e HSBC adicionados entre 0,8 e 3,8. China Unicom Hong Kong ficou em atraso pelo segundo dia consecutivo, caindo 2.0. Chinas Shanghai Composite perdeu 0,8. Shang Gong Group, Tianjin Global Magnetic Card, Wuhan Hanshang e Shen Ma Industry registaram perdas entre 5,4 e 6,8. Indias Sensex adicionou 0,9 com a ajuda da maioria dos componentes. A Coal India aumentou 5,4, enquanto outros nomes sensíveis ao crescimento como Tata Steel, Larsen amp Toubro, Power Grid e MahindraampMahindra reagiram entre 1,3 e 4,0. Bajaj Auto foi o artista mais fraco, caindo 0,9. Os principais índices europeus trocam ligeiramente acima de suas linhas planas com Germanys DAX (0.3) mostrando força relativa. Although equity markets have maintained narrow ranges so far, the euro has retreated steadily, falling 0.5 against the dollar to 1.0508. The decline leaves the single currency in the bottom half of its trading range that dates back to early December. The British pound has also retreated against the dollar, surrendering 0.5 to 1.2121, despite above-consensus economic data. On balance, economic data received since the Brexit vote has been strong relative to expectations. In economic data: UKs November Industrial Production 2.1 month-over-month (expected 0.8 last -1.1) 2.0 year-over-year (consensus 0.6 previous -0.9). November Manufacturing Production 1.3 month-over-month (expected 0.5 last -1.0) 1.2 year-over-year (consensus 0.4 last -0.5). November Construction Output -0.2 month-over-month (expected 0.3 last -0.6) 1.5 year-over-year (consensus 2.0 previous 0.7). November trade deficit widened to GBP12.16 billion from GBP9.89 billion (expected deficit of GBP11.20 billion) Spains November Industrial Production 3.2 year-over-year (consensus 1.0 last 0.6) ---Equity Markets--- Germanys DAX is higher by 0.3 with heavyweights Volkswagen, Deutsche Bank, Daimler, and Merck among the leaders. The four names are up between 1.0 and 2.8. On the downside, Siemens and BMW are down 1.2 and 0.1, respectively. Frances CAC has added 0.1 amid relative strength in automakers. Peugeot and Renault hold respective gains of 3.4 and 0.5 while Michelin has added 1.3. Financials trade in the red with BNP Paribas, Societe Generale, and Credit Agricole down between 0.4 and 0.6. UKS FTSE IS HIGHER BY 0.2 THANKS TO GAINS IN CONSUMER NAMES. DIXONS CARPHONE, SAINSBURY, MARKS amp SPENCER, AND UNILEVER SHOW GAINS BETWEEN 0.6 AND 3.4. SELECT FINANCIALS LAG WITH RBS, BARCLAYS, STANDARD LIFE, AND RSA INSURANCE DOWN BETWEEN 0.2 AND 2.0. ITALYS MIB HAS ADDED 0.1. FINANCIALS LIKE BANCO BPM, BANCA POP EMILIA ROMAGNA, UNICREDIT, MEDIOBANCA, AND INTESA SANPAOLO ARE DOWN BETWEEN 0.1 AND 2.7. 8:45 AM MAGNACHIP SEMI UPSIZES amp PRICES A 75 MLN 5.00 EXCHANGEABLE SENIOR NOTES OFFERING ( MX ). The notes will be exchangeable at the option of the holder into shares of the cos common stock at an initial exchange rate of 121.1387 shares of common stock per 1,000 principal amount of notes, which is equivalent to aN EXCHANGE PRICE OF 8.26SHARE. THE NOTES WILL BEAR INTEREST AT A RATE OF 5.00YEAR, PAYABLE SEMI-ANNUALLY IN CASH, IN ARREARS, ON EACH MAR 1 AND SEPT 1, BEGINNING ON MAR 1, 2017.THE CO PLANS TO USE THE NET PROCEEDS FROM THE OFFERING OF THE NOTES (I) FOR ITS ANTICIPATED COST REDUCTION PROGRAM TO BE IMPLEMENTED DURING THE FIRST HALF OF 2017 ( 30-40 MLN), (II) FOR CAPEX ( 15-20 MLN), (III) TO REPURCHASE COMMON STOCK AS PART OF ITS STOCK REPURCHASE PROGRAM (UP TO 15 MLN) AND (IV) FOR GENERAL CORPORATE PURPOSES. 8:36 AM GAPPING DOWN ( SCANX ) : Gapping down In reaction to disappointing earningsguidance: NVDQ -17.3, (sees Q4 rev below consensus sees FY17 rev below consensus), SVU -8.1, SIG -4.6, BWA -1.9, LMNR -1.6 MampA news: ADM -5.6 (to acquire Crosswind Industries terms not disclosed) Select pharma related names showing weakness: BMY -3.6, AZN -1.6, SHPG -1.1 Other news: SGNL -12.8 (pulling back following recent strength)ETRM -11.2 (pulling back following recent strength)GNVC -7.4 (pulling back following recent strength)PTN -5.3 (Palatin Technologies to hold call following closing of licensing agreement with AMAG Pharmaceuticals for North American rights to Rekynda)PFGC -5 (prices 10 mln common stock offering by certain of its stockholders, including affiliates of The Blackstone Group ( BX ) at 22.85share )BRG -4.7 (commenced a public offering of 4,000,000 shares of its Class A common stock)TERP -4.5 (Brookfield Asset Management affirms 12.12 active stake, discloses the submission of altern ative proposals to the companys advisors with respect to a potential transaction involving the company andor TerraForm Global)PE -2.9 (announces Midland Basin and Delaware Basin acquisitions and introduces 2017 capital program and operating guidance expects 60 annual production growth in 2017 commenced an underwritten public offering of 20,000,000 SHARES OF CLASS A COMMON STOCK). Analyst comments: HIMX -2.5 (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at ROTH Capital)WUBA -1.6 (initiated with a Underperform at Bernstein)JD -1 (initiated with an Underperform at Bernstein )C -0.8 (downgraded to Sell at UBS)BIDU -0.7 (initiated with a Underperform at Bernstein) 8:34 AM BROADCOM ANNOUNCES PRIVATE OFFERING OF SENIOR NOTES ( AVGO ). The notes will be guaranteed on a senior unsecured basis by Broadcom and ceRTAIN OF ITS OTHER SUBSIDIARIES. THE CO-ISSUERS INTEND TO USE THE NET PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE OF THE NOTES TO REPAY INDEBTEDNESS OUTSTANDING UNDER BROADCOMS CREDIT FACILITY AND TO PAY RELATED FEES AND EXPENSES. 8:33 AM GULF RESOURCES ANNOUNCES THE COMPLETION OF ITS FIRST BRINE WATER AND NATURAL GAS WELL FIELD CONSTRUCTION IN SICHUAN PROVINCE EXPECT TO BE ABLE TO BEGIN TRIAL PRODUCTION IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE ( GURE ). 8:32 am Rockwell Automation appoints VP investor relations and VP, finance, of the Architecture amp Software Patrick Goris as CFO effective Feb. 7 ( ROK ). 8:31 am Great Panther Silver announces Q4 production highlights co expects 2017 production level of 4.0-4.1 million Ag eq oz (at a 70:1 ratio) from its Mexico operations ( GPL ) : 2016 Production Highlights (Compared to Full Year 2015) Consolidated metal production -7 to 3,884,960 silver eqUIVALENT OUNCES SILVER PRODUCTION -14 TO 2,047,260 SILVER OUNCES GOLD PRODUCTION 2 TO 22,238 GOLD OUNCES ORE PROCESSED WAS STEADY AT 376,739 TONNES 4Q16 Production Highlights (Compared to Fourth Quarter 2015) Consolidated metal production decreased 12 to 883,772 Ag eq oz Silver production decreased 17 to 460,571 Ag oz Gold production decreased 8 to 5,206 Au oz Ore processed decreased 2, with 92,869 tonnes milled 8:30 am Ecolab acquires Abednego Environmental Services terms not disclosed ( ECL ). Abednego is a privately held company with 40 million in annual revenues that provides chemistry and service solutions to help automotive customers in their paint operations. 8:30 am SampP futures vs fair value: -2.00. Nasdaq futures vs fair value: -0.40. (:WRAPX) : The stock market is on track for a slightly lower open as the SampP 500 futures trade two points below fair value. The slow start to the day follows a notably quiet night of corporate news. Rite Aid (RAD 8.65, 0.33) is higher by 4.0 this morning on the heels of a New York Post report that the FTC could be near approving the companys pending sale to Walgreens Boot Alliance (WBA 82.67, 0.00). CONVERSELY, SIGNET JEWELERS (SIG 83.25, -4.21) IS TICKING LOWER BY 4.8 AFTER LOWERING ITS Q4 EARNINGS AND COMPARABLE SALES GUIDANCE AMID DISAPPOINTING HOLIDAY RESULTS. U. S. TREASURIES HAVE SEEN A SLIGHT UPTICK IN BUYING INTEREST WITH THE 10-YR YIELD DOWN ONE BASIS POINT TO 2.37. ALSO OF NOTE, THE U. S. DOLLAR INDEX (102.44 0.43) IS HIGHER BY 0.4 AMID WEAKNESS IN BOTH THE EURO (1.0505) AND THE JAPANESE YEN (116.23). WHILE THERE ARE NO MAJOR ECONOMIC REPORTS TODAY, PRESIDENT-ELECT TRUMPS quotgeneral news conferencequot is likely to be analyzed by investors. Mr. Trump is scheduled to speak from the Trump Tower lobby at 11 am ET. 8:30 am Gapping up ( SCANX ) : Gapping up In reaction to strong earningsguidance: ICHR 9, (SEES Q4 REVS 131 MLN VS 117.90 MLN CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE, EXPECTS Q1 SALES TO BE HIGHER THAN Q4)MSM 2.5, DE 1.2, (LIGHT VOLUME RELEASES DECEMBER RETAIL SALES UPDATE)MX 0.8, (MAGNACHIP SEMI REPORTS PRELIM Q4 SALES AT HIGH END OF GUIDANCE ABOVE CONSENSUS ANNOUNCES PROPOSED 65 MLN PRIVATE OFFERING OF EXCHANGEABLE SENIOR NOTES AND STOCK REPURCHASE)VRX 0.5, (REITERATES FY16 GUIDANCE) MampA news: DSCI 41 (to be acquired by Integra LifeSciences ( IART ) for 7.00 per share)RAD 4 (NY Post discusses that regulators might complete review of Walgreens ( WBA ) and Rite Aide ( RAD ) merger before President Obama leaves office), Other news: BIOC 43.1 (continued strength)ENPH 22.1 (announces a 10 mln private placement of its common stock to T. J. Rodgers and John Doerr, chairman of Kleiner Perkins Caulfield amp Byers)TGTX 10 (completion of enrollment in part 1 of its phase II study of TG-1101)AKAO 9.3 ( Baker Bros discloses 13.1 passive stake)SGMO 6.8 (granted orphan designation by the FDA for its compound for the treatment of mucopolysaccharidosis type I )CTSO 6.3 (light volume CytoSorbents and the U. S. Air Force determine to close the Company-sponsored, 30 patient, single site, randomized controlled human pilot study of the CytoSorb product to evaluate patients with severe trauma and rhabdomyolysis)ARLZ 4.2 (USPTO has issued patent covering Yosprala which will expire in late 2032 with possible patent term adjustment into early 2033)MRK 3.1 (receives FDA acceptance of supplemental biologics license application for Keytruda in combo with chemotherapy for first-line treatment of metastatic non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer)RDHL 2.9 (RHB-104 has been granted QIDP designation by the FDA for the treatment of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria infection)UAL 2.8 (expects Q416 consolidated passenger unit rev to decline 1.25-1.75 (prior 3-4) compared to Q416)GST 2.1 (declares special cash divi dends on 8.625 Series A Preferred Stock and 10.75 Series B Preferred Stock enters into related amendment of credit agreement)AAL 1.6 (reports December traffic, raises Q4 TRASM, pre-tax margin RPMs -0.8 yy)MYL 1 (FDA has accepted Mylans biologics license application for MYL-1401O, a proposed biosimilar trastuzumab) Analyst comments: KERX 4.8 (upgraded to Neutral from Sell at Citigroup)BT 2.7 (upgraded to Overweight from Equal Weight at Morgan Stanley)ESV 1.7 (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Citigroup)WRD 1.7 (initiated with a Strong Buy at Raymond James)PANW 0.8 (initiated with Outperform ratings at Wells Fargo) 8:29 am On The Wires (:WIRES). IBM Watson Health (IBM) has signed a research initiative with the FDA aimed at defining a secure, efficient and scalable exchange of health data using blockchain technology. IBM and the FDA will explore the exchange of owner mediated data from several sources, such as Electronic Medical Records, clinical trials, genomic data, and health data from mobile devices, wearables and the quotInternet of Things. quot The initial focus will be on oncology-related data. Bird Rock Bio announced that it has received approval for the initiation of a two-part Phase 1 clinical trial for namacizumab, a novel therapeutic antibody to the cannabinoid 1 receptor. In addition, Bird Rock Bio has entered into an agreement with GE Healthcare (GE) for process development, formulation, and manufacture of namacizumab in preparation for Phase 2 studies. Furthermore, the Phase 1 trial, process development, and Phase 2 preparation will be funded under a collaboration and option agreement with Janssen Pharmaceuticals (JNJ). The J. M. Smucker Company (SJM) announced an increase in the list price for the majority of its packaged coffee products sold in the United States, primarily consisting of items sold under the Folgers, Dunkin Donuts, and Caf Bustelo brand names. Prices increased an average of six percent on impacted items in response to sustained increases in green coffee costs. The Companys K-Cup pods were excluded from the price increase. Subsidiaries of Imperial Brands PLC (IMBBY) and China Tobacco have established a dynamic long-term Joint Venture business which will look to develop a variety of growth opportunities in China and international markets. Global Horizon VENTURES LIMITED IS INITIALLY FOCUSED ON: LEVERAGING THE EXPERTISE OF CHINAS LARGEST TOBACCO COMPANY, YUNNAN TOBACCO, TO DRIVE THE SUSTAINABLE GROWTH OF IMPERIALS GROWTH BRANDS WEST AND DAVIDOFF IN CHINA AND MAXIMISING THE POTENTIAL OF TWO YUNNAN BRANDS, JAD AND HORIZON, IN MARKETS OUTSIDE OF CHINA. AT ITS BOARD MEETING, SNCF SELECTED THE ALSTOM (ALSMY)-BOMBARDIER (BDBRF) CONSORTIUM TO RENEW THE TRAINS ON LINES D AND E OF THE LE-DE-FRANCE NETWORK. THIS CONTRACT FOR 255 TRAINS (130 FOR THE RER D AND 125 FOR THE RER E), WORTH AN ESTIMATED 3.75 BILLION EUROS, IS THE LARGEST CONTRACT EVER FINANCED BY STIF. 8:05 AM TAKEDA PHARMA INVESTS 125 MLN IN MAVERICK THERAPEUTICS, INCLUDING OPTION-TO-ACQUIRE ( TKPYY ) : Cos entered a collaboration to develop Mavericks T-cell engagement platform created specifically to improve the utility of T-cell redirection therapy for the treatment of cancer. The 125 million of funding includes an upfront option, equity and RampD funding payments, and provides Takeda the exclusive right to purchase Maverick after five years for an undisclosed sum. 8:03 am SampP futures vs fair value: -1.80. Nasdaq futures vs fair value: 0.10. (:WRAPX) : Equity futures point to a slightly lower open on Wednesday morning as the SampP 500 futures trade two points below fair value. Global markets are mixed with Asia closing on a mostly higher note while European indices hover near their flat lines. Crude oil is up for the first time in three days amid reports that Saudi Arabia, the worlds top exporter, plans to cut supply to Asia. The commodity is higher by 0.4, trading at 51.03bbl. U. S. Treasuries are flat this morning amid an uptick in the U. S. dollar. The 10-yr yield remains unchanged at 2.38, while the U. S. Dollar Index (102.39, 0.38) is up 0.4. Todays only economic data was the MBA Mortgage Index, which crossed the wires at 7:00 am ET this morning. The index came in at 5.8. In U. S. corporate news of note: Tesla Motors (TSLA 229.00, -0.87): -0.4 after the company named Apple (AAPL 118.75, -0.36) engineer Chris Lattner vice president of autopilot software. Ford Motor (F 12.72, -0.13): -1.0 despite reaffirming positive guidance for 2017.Citigroup (C 59.80, -0.43): -0.7 after the stock was downgraded to Sell at UBS. Reviewing overnight developments: Markets in the Asia-Pacific region ended Wednesday on a mixed note, but the trading day was fairly quiet. Japans Nikkei 0.3, Hong Kongs Hang Seng 0.8, Chinas Shanghai Composite -0.8, Indias Sensex 0.9.In economic data: Japans November Leading Index 102.7 (expected 102.6 previous 100.8). November Coincident Indicator 1.6 month-over-month (last 1.0) South Koreas December Unemployment Rate declined to 3.4 from 3.6. December Import Price Index 9.2 year-over-year (last 3.6) and December Export Price Index 6.3 year-over-year (last 3.5)In news:The World Bank lowered its GDP growth outlook for 2017 and 2018, but the adjustment only reduced the previous forecast by 10 basis points. The forecast for 2017 was lowered to 2.7 from 2.8. The U. S. growth forecast for 2017 was maintained at 2.2 due to the expected impact of fiscal stimulus under the new administration. Major European indices trade near their flat lines with Germanys DAX showing relative strength while Italys MIB underperforms. Germanys DAX 0.2, Frances CAC unch, UKs FTSE unch, Italys MIB -0.4.In economic data:UKs November Industrial Production 2.1 month-over-month (expected 0.8 last -1.1) 2.0 year-over-year (consensus 0.6 previous -0.9). November Manufacturing Production 1.3 month-over-month (expected 0.5 last -1.0) 1.2 year-over-year (consensus 0.4 last -0.5). November Construction Output -0.2 month-over-month (expected 0.3 last -0.6) 1.5 year-over-year (consensus 2.0 previous 0.7). November trade deficit widened to GBP12.16 billion from GBP9.89 billion (expected deficit of GBP11.20 billion) Spains November Industrial Production 3.2 year-over-year (consensus 1.0 last 0.6)IN NEWS:ALTHOUGH EQUITY MARKETS HAVE MAINTAINED NARROW RANGES SO FAR, THE EURO HAS RETREATED STEADILY, FALLING 0.4 AGAINST THE DOLLAR TO 1.0514. THE DECLINE LEAVES THE SINGLE CURRENCY IN THE BOTTOM HALF OF ITS TRADING RANGE THAT DATES BACK TO EARLY DECEMBER. THE BRITISH POUND HAS ALSO RETREATED AGAINST THE DOLLAR, SURRENDERING 0.5 TO 1.2121, DESPITE ABOVE-CONSENSUS ECONOMIC DATA. ON BALANCE, ECONOMIC DATA RECEIVED SINCE THE BREXIT VOTE HAS BEEN STRONG RELATIVE TO EXPECTATIONS. 8:02 AM REDHILL BIOPHARMA ANNOUNCES THAT RHB-104 HAS BEEN GRANTED QIDP DESIGNATION BY THE FDA FOR THE TREATMENT OF NONTUBERCULOUS MYCOBACTERIA INFECTIONS CO WILL CONSULT WITH THE FDA REGARDING ITS RHB-104 DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR NTM INFECTIONS ( RDHL ). The granted QIDP designation allows RedHill to benefit from Fast-Track status, with an expedited development pathway for RHB-104 for the treatment of NTM infections, as well as Priority Review, which provides for a shorter review time by the FDA of a future potential marketing application. If approved for the treatment of NTM infections, RHB-104 would also receive an additional five years of U. S. market exclusivity on top of the standard exclusivity period. In light of the QIDP designation, RedHill will consult with the FDA regarding its RHB-104 development program for NTM infections. Under FDAs Generating Antibiotic Incentives Now Act, QIDP designation allows for Fast-Track status and Priority Review, potentially leading to a shorter NDA review time by the FDA, and, if approved, an additiONAL FIVE YEARS OF U. S. MARKET EXCLUSIVITY ON TOP OF THE STANDARD EXCLUSIVITY PERIOD. A FIRST PHASE III CLINICAL STUDY WITH RHB-104 FOR THE TREATMENT OF CROHNS DISEASE (THE MAP US STUDY) IS ONGOING IN THE U. S. AND ADDITIONAL COUNTRIES INCREASING EVIDENCE SUPPORTS THE HYPOTHESIS THAT CROHNS DISEASE, AND POTENTIALLY OTHER AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES, ARE RELATED TO MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM SUBSPECIES PARATUBERCULOSIS (:MAP) INFECTION IN SUSCEPTIBLE PATIENTS. TOP-LINE FINAL RESULTS FROM THE CEASE MS STUDY SUGGEST MEANINGFUL POSITIVE SAFETY AND CLINICAL SIGNALS UPON 24 WEEKS OF TREATMENT WITH RHB-104 AS AN ADD-ON THERAPY, THEREBY SUPPORTING FURTHER CLINICAL DEVELOPMENT. 8:02 AM AMERICAN AIRLINES REPORTS DECEMBER TRAFFIC, RAISES Q4 TRASM, PRE-TAX MARGIN RPMS -0.8 YY ( AAL ) : American Airlines Groups total revenue passenger miles (RPMs) were 18.2 billion, down 0.8 percent versus December 2015. Total capacity was 22.6 billion available seat miles (ASMs), up 0.5 percent versus December 2015. Total passenger load factor was 80.6 percent, down 1.0 percentage point versus December 2015. Co expects Q4 total revenue per available seat mile (:TRASM) to be flat to up 2 (Prior guidance: -1 to 1). In addition, the Company expects its fourth quarter pre-tax margin excluding special items to be 7-9 (Prior guidacne: 6-8) 8:02 am Vivint Solar closes new financing in two separate transactions a 203 mln debt facility and a 100 mln follow-on investment in tax equity financing ( VSLR ). Co closed a fixed-rate, 18-year term debt facility with four institutional investors, totaling 203 million. The NEW DEBT FACILITY IS A FULLY AMORTIZING LOAN THAT RELIES ON THE CONTRACTUAL CASH FLOWS FROM FOUR EXISTING INVESTMENT FUNDS THAT COMPRISE APPROXIMATELY 214 MEGAWATTS (MWS) AND 30,000 RESIDENTIAL SOLAR SYSTEMS. IN ADDITION, THE COMPANY ALSO ANNOUNCED TODAY THAT IT CLOSED AN INVESTMENT WITH BANK OF AMERICA MERRILL LYNCH, AN EXISTING INVESTOR THAT HAD COMMITTED A 100 MILLION FOLLOW-ON INVESTMENT IN TAX EQUITY FINANCING, WHICH WILL ALLOW THE INSTALLATION OF OVER 66 MWS OF RESIDENTIAL SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS. THIS INVESTMENT MARKS THE CLOSING OF A PORTION OF THE TAX EQUITY COMMITMENTS VIVINT SOLAR RECEIVED IN NOVEMBER 2016. 8:01 AM SANDSTORM GOLD ANNOUNCES CO SOLD OVER 13,200 ATTRIBUTABLE GOLD EQUIVALENT OZ DURING THE FOURTH QUARTER OF 2016 amp OVER 49,500 GOLD EQUIVALENT OUNCES FOR THE FULL 2016 YEAR ( SAND ). Co announce that the Company has sold over 13,200 attributable gold equivalent ounces1 during the fourth quarter of 2016 and over 49,500 gold equivalent ounces for the full 2016 year. Both the fourth quarter and annual production results are records for the Company. The attributable gold equivalent ounces were generated from 21 streams and royalties, with over 70 of the ounces coming from operations run by major and mid-tier mining companies. 8:01 am Mylan N. V. announces that the FDA has accepted Mylans biologics license application for MYL-1401O, a proposed biosimilar trastuzumab ( MYL ). Co announces that the FDA has accepted Mylans biologics license application for MYL-1401O, a proposed biosimilar trastuzumab, for filing through the 351 pathway. This product is a proposed biosimilar to branded trastuzumab, whiCH IS INDICATED TO TREAT CERTAIN HER2-POSITIVE BREAST CANCERS. THE ANTICIPATED FDA GOAL DATE SET UNDER THE BIOSIMILAR USER FEE ACT IS SEPT. 3, 2017. 8:00 AM ON THE WIRES (:WIRES). AMAZON (AMZN) AND CHASE (JPM) INTRODUCED THE NEW AMAZON PRIME REWARDS VISA SIGNATURE CARD, THE ONLY CARD THAT OFFERS 5 BACK ON ALL AMAZON PURCHASES AND REWARDS EVERYWHERE ELSE YOU SHOP, INCLUDING 2 BACK AT RESTAURANTS, GAS STATIONS AND DRUGSTORES, AND 1 BACK ON EVERY OTHER PURCHASE, AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVELY FOR ELIGIBLE PRIME MEMBERS. VIACOM INC. (VIAB) ANNOUNCED THE APPOINTMENT OF DAVID LYNN AS PRESIDENT AND CEO OF VIACOM INTERNATIONAL MEDIA NETWORKS (:VIMN). 7:46 AM KORNIT DIGITAL TO DELIVER A LARGE NUMBER OF TEXTILE PRODUCTION SYSTEMS TO AMAZON ( AMZN ) in support of its Merch by Amazon program co to gRANT AMAZON WARRANTS TO ACQUIRE OVER A FIVE-YEAR PERIOD UP TO 2,932,176 OF ITS COMMON SHARES AT 13.03SHARE ( KRNT ) : Through this agreement, Kornit will deliver the companys flagship high-productivity system, the Avalanche 1000, to supPORT AMAZONS EXPANSION OF PRODUCTION CAPACITY FOR THE COMPANYS MERCH BY AMAZON SERVICE. IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE COMMERCIAL AGREEMENTS, KORNIT DIGITAL HAS AGREED TO GRANT AMAZON WARRANTS TO ACQUIRE OVER A FIVE-YEAR PERIOD UP TO 2,932,176 OF KORNIT DIGITALS COMMON SHARES AT 13.03SHARE, BASED ON THE VOLUME WEIGHTED AVERAGE CLOSING PRICES OF KORNIT DIGITAL COMMON SHARES FOR THE THIRTY TRADING DAYS PRIOR TO JANUARY 10, 2017. 7:31 AM STELLAR BIOTECHNOLOGIES TO EXPAND PRODUCTION OF ITS STELLAR KLH PRODUCTS UNDER A RECENTLY ESTABLISHED MEXICAN SUBSIDIARY ( SBOT ). 7:31 am TG Therapeutics announces completion of enrollment in part 1 of its phase II study of TG-1101 early data demonstrates rapid and profound B-cell reductions in MS patients treated with TG-1101 with median B-cell reduction of 99 ( TGTX ) : TG-1101 is a novel glycoengineered anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody in patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis. Phase 3 MS program planned to initiate in 1H 2017. The primary objective of the study was to assess the safety and tolerability of TG-1101 in patients with RMS as well as to determine the optimal dosing regimen for TG-1101 by examining the level of B-cell depletion and the tolerability of accelerated infusion times. Established MS clinical efficacy endpoints are also being evaluated, which require longer-term follow-up and are anticipated to be reported on later this year or next year at a medical conference. The median B-cell depletion for all patients in Part 1 was 99 and TG-1101 was well-tolerated with no grade 34 adversE EVENTS REPORTED, INCLUDING IN PATIENTS RECEIVING THE ONE-HOUR INFUSION AT THE TARGET PHASE 3 DOSE AND INFUSION RATE. AS PART 2 OF THE TRIAL, THE COMPANY HAS ADDED EXPANSION COHORTS AND WILL EXPLORE ACCELERATED DOSING OF THE INITIAL 150MG DOSE. quotThe speed at which we were able to rapidly enroll into this study demonstrates the on-going need for new treatment options for patients. We were extremely pleased to see rapid and robust B-cell depletion and excited to see that a one-hour infusion was well tolerated, possibly providing an important convenience advantage over first generation anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies. We look forward to continuing enrollment into one or more expansion cohorts and to launching a Phase 3 program in the first half of this year. quot 7:30 am Sangamo BioSci confirms that the FDA has granted orphan drug designation to SB-318 for the treatment of Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I ( SGMO ). MPS I is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the alpha-L-iduronidase (:IDUA) enzyme. Using Sangamos zinc finger nuclease (:ZFN) genome editing technology, SB-318 is designed as a single treatment strategy intended to provide stable, continuous production of the IDUA enzyme for the lifetime of the patient. In 2017, Sangamo plans to conduct the first ever in vivo genome editing clinical trials including Phase 12 studies for three lead programs: SB-318 for the treatment of MPS I SB-913 for the treatment of MPS II, another rare lysosomal storage disorder and SB-FIX for the treatment of hemophilia B, a rare blood disease. Data from these studies and from a planned clinical trial for a fourth lead program, SB-525, a gene therapy approach for hemophilia A, are expected in late 2017 or early 2018. 7:29 am On The Wires (:WIRES). Attunity Ltd. (ATTU) announced today that a global, multi-billion dollar insurance company has signed an agreement for 0.8 million in license fees, services and five years of maintenance for Attunity Replicate, which is expected to significantly enhance the performance of the Customers recently implemented data lake analytics solution. Kratos Defense amp Security Solutions (KTOS) announced today that Digital Fusion Solutions, a subsidiary of Kratos Defense amp Rocket Support Services Division, is increasing its support of high energy laser demonstrator development through a task order under its U. S. Army Space and Missile Defense CommandArmy Forces Strategic Command Integrated Test and Analysis Contract Prime Contract. The task is to assist SMDC with High Energy Laser System Engineering, Integration, and Test Support. Kratos support has expanded to include integration and test support at their high bay facility in Huntsville, AL. 7:23 am European Markets Update: DAX 0.4, CAC 0.1, FTSE 0.1 (:SUMRX) : Major European indices trade near their flat lines with Germanys DAX (0.4) showing relative strength while Italys MIB (-0.3) underperforms. Although equity markets have maintained narrow ranges so far, the euro has retreated steadily, falling 0.5 against the dollar to 1.0508. The decline leaves the single currency in the bottom half of its trading range that dates back to early December. The British pound has also retreated against the dollar, surrendering 0.5 to 1.2121, despite above-consensus economic data. On balance, economic data received since the Brexit vote has been strong relative to expectations. In economic data: UKs November Industrial Production 2.1 month-over-month (expected 0.8 last -1.1) 2.0 year-over-year (consensus 0.6 previous -0.9). November Manufacturing Production 1.3 month-over-month (expected 0.5 last -1.0) 1.2 year-over-year (consensus 0.4 last -0.5). November Construction Output -0.2 month-over-month (expected 0.3 last -0.6) 1.5 year-over-year (consensus 2.0 previous 0.7). November trade deficit widened to GBP12.16 billion from GBP9.89 billion (expected deficit of GBP11.20 billion) Spains November Industrial Production 3.2 year-over-year (consensus 1.0 last 0.6) ---Equity Markets--- Germanys DAX is higher by 0.4 with heavyweights Volkswagen, Deutsche Bank, Daimler, and Merck among the leaders. The four names are up between 1.0 and 3.7. On the downside, Siemens and BMW are down 1.0 and 0.2, respectively. FRANCES CAC HAS ADDED 0.1 AMID RELATIVE STRENGTH IN AUTOMAKERS. PEUGEOT AND RENAULT HOLD RESPECTIVE GAINS OF 3.1 AND 1.0 WHILE MICHELIN HAS ADDED 1.1. FINANCIALS TRADE IN THE RED WITH BNP PARIBAS, SOCIETE GENERALE, AND CREDIT AGRICOLE DOWN BETWEEN 0.4 AND 0.7. UKS FTSE IS HIGHER BY 0.1 THANKS TO GAINS IN CONSUMER NAMES. DIXONS CARPHONE, SAINSBURY, MARKS amp SPENCER, AND UNILEVER SHOW GAINS BETWEEN 0.4 AND 3.6. SELECT FINANCIALS LAG WITH RBS, BARCLAYS, STANDARD LIFE, AND RSA INSURANCE DOWN BETWEEN 1.0 AND 1.8. ITALYS MIB HAS SHED 0.3. FINANCIALS LIKE BANCO BPM, BANCA POP EMILIA ROMAGNA, UNICREDIT, MEDIOBANCA, INTESA SANPAOLO, AND UBI BANCA ARE DOWN BETWEEN 0.6 AND 2.7. 7:17 AM GLAXOSMITHKLINE EXPECTS THAT THE POSITIVE IMPACT OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE ON FULL YEAR 2016 STERLING CORE EPS WILL BE GREATER THAN THE POSITIVE IMPACT ON SALES ( GSK ). quotAs a result of the mix of currency movements relative to the mix of costs, we expect that the positive impact of foreign exchange on full year 2016 sterling core EPS will be greater than the positive impact on sales. quotquotOver the first nine months of 2016, the benefit of currencies to core EPS was 20 compared with the 8 benefit to sales. quotGSK expects to pay an annual ordinary dividend of 80p for each of the next two years (2016-2017).quotquotIn Respiratory, we continued to transition the portfolio from its previous reliance on AdvairSeretide to a much broader one. Total Respiratory sales were up 8 globally, with double digit growth in the US and International, more than offsetting a 9 decline in Europe. This is primarily the result of growth in the new Ellipta products and Nucala, up 179 million in Sterling terms, which more than offset the 7 decline in AdvairSeretide, which slowed its rate of decline in the quarter. This primarily reflected a mix in the period of better RAR in the US and an improved performance in the emerging markets, offset by continued competitive pressures in Europe. quot 7:02 am Asian Markets Close: Nikkei 0.3, Hang Seng 0.8, Shanghai -0.8 (:SUMRX) : Markets in the Asia-Pacific region ended Wednesday on a mixed note, but the trading day was fairly quiet. The World Bank did lower its GDP growth outlook for 2017 and 2018, but the adjustment only reduced the previous forecast by 10 basis points. The forecast for 2017 was lowered to 2.7 from 2.8. The U. S. growth forecast for 2017 was maintained at 2.2 due to the expected impact of fiscal stimulus under the new administration. In economic data: Japans November Leading Index 102.7 (expected 102.6 previous 100.8). November Coincident Indicator 1.6 month-over-month (last 1.0) South Koreas December Unemployment Rate declined to 3.4 from 3.6. December Import Price Index 9.2 year-over-year (last 3.6) and December Export Price Index 6.3 year-over-year (last 3.5) ---Equity Markets--- Japans Nikkei added 0.3. Growth-sensitive names like SUMCO, Nippon Sheet Glass, Kobe Steel, Sumitomo Metal Mining, Japan Steel Works, Mitsubishi Materials, and Ebara posted gains between 2.0 and 4.4. Hong Kongs Hang Seng climbed 0.8 amid strength in property names and financials. Sino Land, New World Development, Hang LUNG PROPERTIES, CHEUNG KONG PROPERTY HOLDINGS, CHINA OVERSEAS, BANK OF CHINA, PING AN INSURANCE, AND HSBC ADDED BETWEEN 0.8 AND 3.8. CHINA UNICOM HONG KONG LAGGED FOR THE SECOND DAY IN A ROW, FALLING 2.0. CHINAS SHANGHAI COMPOSITE LOST 0.8. SHANG GONG GROUP, TIANJIN GLOBAL MAGNETIC CARD, WUHAN HANSHANG, AND SHEN MA INDUSTRY REGISTERED LOSSES BETWEEN 5.4 AND 6.8. INDIAS SENSEX ADDED 0.9 WITH HELP FROM MOST COMPONENTS. COAL INDIA SPIKED 5.4 WHILE OTHER GROWTH-SENSITIVE NAMES LIKE TATA STEEL, LARSEN amp TOUBRO, POWER GRID, AND MAHINDRAampMAHINDRA RALLIED BETWEEN 1.3 AND 4.0. BAJAJ AUTO WAS THE WEAKEST PERFORMER, FALLING 0.9. ---FX--- USDJPY 0.4 TO 116.24 USDCNY 0.2 TO 6.9341 USDINR UNCH AT 68.350 7:02 AM FORTUNA SILVER MINES ANNOUNCES FY16 TOTAL PRODUCTION OF 7.4 MLN OZ OF SILVER amp 46.6 K OZ OF GOLD ISSUES GUIDANCE FOR FY17 ( FSM ). FY16 production highlights:Silver and gold production werE 5 AND 9 RESPECTIVELY ABOVE 2016 GUIDANCE. SILVER PRODUCTION OF 7,380,217 OUNCES 11 INCREASE OVER 2015.GOLD PRODUCTION OF 46,551 OZ 17 INCREASE OVER 2015.ZINC PRODUCTION OF 43,204,154 POUNDS 21 INCREASE OVER 2015.LEAD PRODUCTION OF 32,673,479 POUNDS 37 INCREASE OVER 2015.quotIn 2017, our expansion plans are going to be underpinned by our solid low-cost production base providing financial flexibility to execute engineering and development plans for Lindero and continue exploring for new compelling precious metal opportunities in the Americas and abroad. quotFY17 guidance:2017 silver equivalent production guidance of 11.2 mln oz.2017 consolidated AISC of 9.8oz Ag. 7:01 am Asanko Gold announces production results for the fourth quarter of 2016 gold production of 57,178oz and gold sales of 58,483oz against production guidance of 52,000 - 57,000oz ( AKG ) : Commenting on the quarters performance, Peter Breese, President and CEO, said, quotThe operations once again had an impressive quarter with record production of over 57,000 ounces. With the mine now delivering against expectations AND THE PROCESS PLANT RUNNING STEADILY AT 300,000 TONNES PER MONTH, OR ABOUT 20 ABOVE DESIGN, WE ENTER 2017 WITH A HIGH PERFORMANCE OPERATING ASSET THAT WILL POSITION US WELL TO FINANCE OUR PHASE 2A EXPANSION PROJECT WITH CASH FLOW FROM THE OPERATIONS. quot Gold production of 57,178oz and gold sales of 58,483oz against production guidance of 52,000 - 57,000ozUS70.1m in gold revenue at an average realized price of US1,199 per ounce 901,000 tonnes processed during the quarter with a feed grade of 2.15gtIndustry-leading safety record maintained with no LTIs reported during the quarter and a rolling 12 month LTIFR of 0.20. Strong balance sheet with unaudited cash and immediately convertible working capital balances of approximately US66 million (December 31, 2016) 7:01 am Performance Food Group prices 10 mln common stock offering by certain of its stockholders, including affiliates of The Blackstone Group ( BX ) at 22.85share ( PFGC ). 7:01 am Ethan Allen issues downside prelim Q2 results, written retail orders -3.6 ( ETH ) : Co sees Q2 EPS of 0.38-0.39 vs 0.59 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate revs 194.7 mln vs 213.67 mln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate. quotDespite a challenging retail environment during our second quarter ending December 31, 2016 we had a reduction of 3.6 percent in our written retail orders compared to a record written increase of 15.3 percent in the previous year quarter. Due to a delivered sales decline of 6.2 percent, our adjusted operating income is projected to be approximately 8.8 percent of sales compared to 12.2 percent of sales in the previous year quarter. OUR ADJUSTED EARNINGS PER SHARE IS PROJECTED TO BE 0.38- 0.39 COMPARED TO 0.55 IN THE PREVIOUS YEAR SECOND QUARTER. quot quotWe are positioned well to benefit from many initiatives including freshening of our offerings, launch of the Ethan AllenDisney collaboration, improvements to our manufacturing and logistics resulting in faster deliveries, relocations and renovations of our design centers, and investments in technology. We are seeing increases in sales from on-line interactions and we expect to see continued increases due to the combination of technology and personal services of our interior designers. Our plans are to start substantially increasing our marketing in both digital and traditional mediums starting from our current third quarter with continued increases as we move forward. quot 7:01 am Upland Software acquires Omtool for 19.2 million (net of cash acquired), expects total revenue and Adjusted EBITDA for the quarter ended December 31, 2016 to be at the upper end of previously-announced guidance ranges. ( UPLD ) : quotQ4 came in strong with continued success in expanding our customer relationships allowing us to affirm our healthy Q4 outlook and to provide record Q1 guidance that reflects both the Omtool acquisition and the continued growth in our core business, quot said Mr. McDonald. quotFinally, we are raising our long term Adjusted EBITDA margin target to 35 to reflect the increased customer loyalty and operating efficiency we are seeing as we scale. quot The purchase price paid for Omtool was 19.2 million (net of cash acquired), within Uplands target range of 5-8x pro forma Adjusted EBITDA. Upland expects the acquisition to generate approximately 11 million in revenue in 2017, subject to reductions for a deferred revenue discount as a result of GAAP purchase accounting. The transaction will be immediately accretive to Uplands Adjusted EBITDA per share. In addition, for the quarter ending March 31, 2017, Upland expects reported total revenue to be in the range of 20.0-20.8 mln including recurring revenue in the range of 17.5 million to 18.1 million vs. the 19.09 mln Capital IQ Consensus. Adjusted EBITDA is expected to be in the range of 5.0 million to 5.5 million, for an Adjusted EBITDA margin of 26 at the mid-point, representing growth of 162 at the mid-point over the quarter ended March 31, 2016.Upland raised its long term Adjusted EBITDA margin target from 30 to 35. 6:59 am On The Wires (:WIRES). Albemarle Corporation (ALB) announced that it intends to redeem all of its outstanding 3.000 Senior Notes due 2019 (CUSIP No. 012725AB3, ISIN No. US012725AB30) issued by it on February 10, 2017. The Notes will be redeemed at a redemption price equal to the greater of (1) 100 of the principal amount of the Notes and (2) the sum of the present values of the remaining scheduled payments of principal and interest on the Notes from the Redemption Date through the Par Call Date, as defined in the Notes, in each case discounted to the date of redemption on a semi-annual basis at the Treasury Rate plus 25 basis points, plus in each case, accrued and unpaid interest on the Notes redeemed to, but not including, the Redemption Date. CytoDyn Inc. (CYDY) announced the Company filed a request for Breakthrough Therapy DesIGNATION WITH THE FDA FOR PRO 140 AS A TREATMENT FOR HIV-1 INFECTION IN TREATMENT-EXPERIENCED PATIENTS WITH VIROLOGIC FAILURE. BASED ON RESULTS FROM FOUR COMPLETED AND ONGOING CLINICAL TRIALS, THE COMPANY BELIEVES THE PRO 140 TREATMENT OPTION ADDRESSES THE UNMET MEDICAL NEED FOR THERAPY OPTIONS FOR HIV-1 INFECTED PATIENTS WITH UNCONTROLLED VIRAL LOAD, DESPITE CONVENTIONAL ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY. WEX (WEX) ANNOUNCED THAT IT HAS SIGNED A NEW AGREEMENT WITH ENTERPRISE FLEET MANAGEMENT IN CANADA. THE PARTNERSHIP SUPPORTS ENTERPRISES GROWTH IN THE CANADIAN MARKET THROUGH WEXS CANADIAN FLEET CAPABILITIES. B COMMUNICATIONS LTD. (BCOM) ANNOUNCED A PRIVATE PLACEMENT OF NIS 118,000,000 PAR VALUE OF ITS SERIES C DEBENTURES TO ISRAELI INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS FOR AN AGGREGATE CONSIDERATION OF APPROXIMATELY NIS 118 MILLION (APPROXIMATELY US 31 MILLION). 6:58 AM GOLDEN STAR RESOURCES REPORTS Q4 GOLD PRODUCTION OF 53,403 OUNCES GUIDES FOR FY 17 GOLD PRODUCTION OF 255K-280K OZ. 31-44 YY ( GSS ). GOLD PRODUCTION OF 194,054 OUNCES IN 2016, IN THE TOP HALF OF THE GUIDANCE RANGE OF 180,000 TO 205,000 OUNCES GOLD PRODUCTION BY ASSET IN 2016, AS FOLLOWS: WASSA MAIN PIT: 93,319 OUNCES WASSA UNDERGROUND GOLD MINE: 11,062 OUNCES PRESTEA OPEN PITS: 89,673 OUNCESWASSA UNDERGROUNDS MINING RATES ACCELERATED STRONGLY DURING THE QUARTER, CULMINATING IN THE DECLARATION OF COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION ON JANUARY 1, 2017 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS BALANCE OF 21.7 MILLION AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2016, WHICH DOES NOT INCLUDE THE RECEIPT OF THE 10 MILLION SCHEDULED ADVANCE PAYMENT ON JANUARY 3, 2017 FROM RGLD GOLD FY 17 GUIDANCE OF: 255,000-280,000 OUNCES OF GOLD PRODUCTION 780-860 PER OUNCE CASH OPERATING COST1 970-1,070 PER OUNCE ALL-IN SUSTAINING COST 6:56 AM THERAPEUTICSMD ANNOUNCES THE PUBLICATION OF 2 MANUSCRIPTS DETAILING RESULTS OF THE PHASE 3 REJOICE TRIAL IN MENOPAUSE: THE JOURNAL OF THE NORTH AMERICAN MENOPAUSE SOCIETY ( TXMD ) : The Rejoice Trial is the pivotal phase 3 study of TX-004HR, an investi gational bio-identical 17-estradiol vaginal softgel capsule, for the treatment of moderate-to-severe vaginal pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia), a symptom of vulvar vaginal atrophy (:VVA) in postmenopausal women. The manuscripts review the positive results of TX-004HR across all pre-specified primary and secondary endpoints in the Rejoice Trial, as well as data from a pharmacokinetic substudy demonstrating the low systemic absorption of TX-004HR. The FDA has set a Prescription Drug User Fee Act target action date of May 7, 2017 to complete its review of the companys 505(b)(2) NDA submission for TX-004HR. The NDA is supported by the complete TX-004HR clinical program, including positive results of the phase 3 Rejoice Trial, which evaluated the effect of three doses of TX-004HR (4 mcg, 10 mcg and 25 mcg) compared to placebo from baseline to week 12. 6:56 am Signet Jewelers lowers Q4 guidance holiday comps fell 4.6 ( SIG ). Lowers Q4 adj. EPS to 4.00-4.05 from 4.00-4.20 vs 4.05 Capital IQ Consensus lowers Q4 comps to (4.3-4.8) from (2-4). Nine week holiday comps fell 4.6 vs. 5.1 last year. Merchandise categories and collections were broadly lower most notably in the mall and e-commerce selling channels, while select merchandise and other selling channels performed relatively well such as diamond fashion jewelry, bracelets, earrings, Ever Us, Vera Wang Love, and the off-mall and kiosk selling channels. Signets e-commerce sales in the holiday season were 142.5 million, dowN 3.5 MILLION OR 2.4 COMPARED TO 146.0 MILLION IN THE PRIOR YEAR. quotSignets disappointing holiday results were driven principally by underperformance in its Sterling division e-commerce business. A preliminary view of market data suggests that the jewelry category WAS BROADLY FLAT TO MODESTLY DOWN WITH IN-STORE SALES DOWN MID-SINGLE-DIGITS AND E-COMMERCE SALES UP DOUBLE-DIGITS. SIGNETS IN-STORE RESULTS WERE IN-LINE WITH THE JEWELRY MARKET, BUT TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE ISSUES IN STERLINGS E-COMMERCE PLATFORM LARGELY LED TO SIGNETS LOWER-THAN-EXPECTED RESULTS. STERLINGS CHALLENGES IN ITS E-COMMERCE PLATFORM WERE DUE TO RECENT ENHANCEMENTS THAT DID NOT PERFORM AS EXPECTED WHEN EXPOSED TO HIGH HOLIDAY VOLUME. WE ARE INVESTING AND DIRECTING MORE RESOURCES TO IMPROVE THE FUNCTIONING OF THE PLATFORM AND THE OVERALL CUSTOMER DIGITAL JOURNEY. quotSelect categories, collections, and other selling channels performed relatively well. quot 6:53 am Gilead Sciences announces the EC has granted marketing authorization for Vemlidy for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus infection ( GILD ). The marketing authorization allows for the marketing of TAF in the 28 countries of the European Union, Norway, and Iceland. 6:50 am MSC Industrial beats by 0.02, reports revs in-line guides Q2 EPS above consensus, revs in-line ( MSM ). Reports Q1 (Nov) earnings of 0.95 per share, 0.02 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.93 revenues fell 2.9 YEARYEAR TO 686.3 MLN VS THE 685.46 MLN CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS. GROSS MARGIN OF 45.0 REFLECTS CONTINUED STABILIZATION IN A CHALLENGING PRICING ENVIRONMENT. CO ISSUES GUIDANCE FOR Q2, SEES EPS OF 0.86-0.90 VS. 0.86 CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE SEES Q2 REVS OF 688-701 MLN VS. 679.02 MLN CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE. quotWe have operated in the midst of a prolonged industrial recession, one that was particularly acute in our primary end markets of metalworking manufacturing. We are, however, seEING SIGNS OF GREATER OPTIMISM. AT PRESENT, IT APPEARS THAT THERE IS A LEVELING IN MANUFACTURING OCCURRING AND, IN DECEMBER, WE SAW GREATER SPENDING ON CATEGORIES THAT ARE INDICATIVE OF CUSTOMER OPTIMISM. WE ARE CERTAINLY MORE POSITIVE THAN EVEN A FEW SHORT MONTHS AGO. EVEN SO, WE WOULD NEED TO SEE SUSTAINED INCREASES IN ORDER ACTIVITY BEFORE WE DECLARE THAT THE ENVIRONMENT HAS TURNED. quot 6:49 am Asanko Gold appoints Fausto Di Trapani as CFO, effective immediately, following the resignation of Greg McCunn, who has decided to pursue other business opportunities ( AKG ). Di Trapani, a Chartered Accountant, joined Asanko in 2012 as Executive: Finance. 6:47 am Eli Lilly expands collaboratioN WITH MERCK ( MRK ) to add a new study of Lillys Lartruvo with Keytruda in patients with previously treated advanced or metastatic soft tissue sarcoma ( LLY ). 6:43 am Magna provides downside guidance for FY 17 revs of 30.4-31.7 bln vs 38 bln Consensus Estimate also provides 2019 revs guidance of 43.5-46.2 bln ( MGA ) : 2017 Guidance Light Vehicle Prouction (Units)North America - 17.7 mlnEurope - 21.7 mlnTotal Production Sales of 30.4-31.7 blnCapital spending of 2 bln 2019 Guidance Light Vehicle Prouction (Units) North America - 18.4 mln Europe - 22.5 mln Total Production Sales of 34.1-36 BLNCO STATES, quotWe believe there is potential for further margin progress by 2019.quot 6:35 am Tenneco sees FY17 revenue growth of 5 (Capital IQ consensus 4.2 over projected FY16) ( TEN ). Co announced that in 2017 the company expects to outpace light vehicle industry production by 4 percentage points, which is at the mid-point of last years estimate for outgrowing the industry in 2017. In total, Tenneco expects year-over-year revenue growth of 5. This growth assumes current industry production forecasts and is at 2016 constant currency. quotTenneco has outpaced industry production by more than 3 percentage points over the last 10 years and I am pleased that our revenue outlook for 2017 builds on this proven track record of growth with contributions from both our Clean Air and Ride Performance product lines. quot In 2018 and 2019, Tenneco expects continued revenue growth, outpacing industry production by 3 to 5 percentage points each year. These estimates also exclude the impact of currency. 6:33 am Supervalu misses by 0.09, misses on revs ( SVU ). Reports Q3 (Nov) earnings of 0.05 per share, excluding non-recurring items, 0.09 worse than the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.14 revenues fell 1.4 yearyear to 3 bln vs the 3.76 bln Capital IQ Consensus. Total net sales within the Wholesale segment increased 0.2 percent. Retail identical store sales were negative 5.7 percent. quotThe successful sale of Save-A-Lot early in the fourth quarter provides SUPERVALU with additional flexibility to operate and grow our business, quot said President and CEO Mark Gross. quotAdditionally, our Wholesale team has done a tremendous job delivering for our customers. It is a significant accomplishment that we increased Wholesale sales compared to last year given the sales lost at the end of fiscal 2016. Unfortunately, in our Retail segment we have not been able to overcome persistent deflation, competitive impacts, and other factors. It takes time to change customers shopping habits, but our team is dedicated to improving our results. quot 6:32 am Borg Warner guides FY17 EPS amp rev below Consensus, guides Q1 EPS in-line projects 5-7 growth from net new biz backlog over the next 3 years ( BWA ). NeT NEW BUSINESS WITHIN A RANGE OF 410 MLN TO 590 MLN IN 2017, 460 MLN TO 670 MLN IN 2018 AND 500 MLN TO 700 MLN IN 2019.Q1 GUIDANCE:SEES EPS OF 0.81-0.85 VS. THE 0.85 CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUSORGANIC NET SALES GROWTH OF 2.5 TO 6.5 COMPARED WITH FIRST QUARTER 2016 NET SALES OF 2.27 BLN. FY17 GUIDANCE:SEES FY17 EPS BETWEEN 3.35-3.45 VS. THE 3.52 CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS SEES REVS BETWEEN 8.81-9.04 BLN VS. THE 9.31 BLN CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS. IMPLIES ORGANIC SALES GROWTH OF 3.5 TO 6.0 COMPARED WITH EXPECTED 2016 NET SALES OF 9.05 BLN. FOREIGN CURRENCIES ARE EXPECTED TO LOWER SALES BY 320 MLN, DUE TO THE DEPRECIATION OF THE EURO, YUAN AND POUND. THE SALE OF THE REMY LIGHT VEHICLE AFTERMARKET BUSINESS IS EXPECTED TO LOWER SALES BY EXCLUDING THE IMPACT OF WEAKER FOREIGN CURRENCIES AND THE REMY LIGHT VEHICLE AFTERMARKET SALE, NET SALES GROWTH IS EXPECTED TO BE 3.5 TO 6.0.SEES FREE CASH FLOW WITHIN A RANGE OF 450 MLN TO 500 MLN. SEES SHARE REPURCHASES OF 100 MLN. 6:30 AM GRAPHIC PACKAGING ANNOUNCES NEW 250 MLN SHARE REPURCHASE PROGRAM ( GPK ). 6:02 am China Digital TV provides a further update on the pending sale of its interests in Beijing Super TV as held by Golden Benefit Technology Limited ( STV ). Pursuant tO THE PREVIOUSLY DISCLOSED EQUITY TRANSFER AGREEMENT DATED NOVEMBER 7, 2016 AND SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO EQUITY TRANSFER AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 28, 2016, THE COMPANY HAS RECEIVED, THROUGH ITS CHINESE AFFILIATE, AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO RMB610 MILLION LESS THE PREVIOUSLY RECEIVED DEPOSIT, FROM CHANGXING BAO LI RUI XIN TECHNOLOGY CO. SUPER TV HAS ALSO COMPLETED THE CHANGE OF ITS BUSINESS REGISTRATION WITH THE BEIJING ADMINISTRATION FOR INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE, AS PROVIDED IN THE SA. PURSUANT TO THE SA, THE BUYER IS REQUIRED TO PROCEED WITH THE PROCEDURES FOR CONVERTING THE RMB610 MILLION INTO US DOLLARS AND PAYING SUCH CONVERTED AMOUNT TO AN OFFSHORE ACCOUNT DESIGNATED BY GOLDEN BENEFIT, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT IN ANY EVENT NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 30, 2017. UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF THE CURRENCY EXCHANGE AND PAYMENT, THE AMOUNT IS REQUIRED TO BE HELD IN THE ONSHORE ACCOUNT OF THE COMPANYS CHINESE AFFILIATE. THE TRANSACTION IS EXPECTED TO CLOSE ONCE THE BUYER COVERTS THE RMB610 MILLION INTO US DOLLARS AND PAYS SUCH AMOUNT TO AN OFFSHORE ACCOUNT DESIGNATED BY GOLDEN BENEFIT. 6:01 AM ARALEZ PHARMA ANNOUNCES THAT THE USPTO HAS ISSUED PATENT COVERING YOSPRALA WHICH WILL EXPIRE IN LATE 2032 WITH POSSIBLE PATENT TERM ADJUSTMENT INTO EARLY 2033 ( ARLZ ). 5:58 am On The Wires (:WIRES). LegoChem Biosciences, based in Daejeon South Korea, announced today that the Company has entered into a research licensing agreement with Takeda (TKPYY) to evaluate next-generation antibody drug conjugate candidates. Through this agreement, Takeda will have access to LCBs proprietary ADC technology, ConjuAll. Takeda will have an exclusive option to license global rights for the project results. Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, announced that it is providing total catalyst solutions for two major ammonia production plants in Indonesia, in cooperation with its licensing partner KBR (KBR). The new projects rely on KBRs process technologies combined with a complete range of Clariant catalysts for the entire ammonia production process. EDFs (ECIFY) Energies Nouvelles is announcing the commissioning of four wind farms in the United States with installed capacity totalling over 708 MW. In North America, the Group has also accelerated its solar energy expansion drive in 2016 with notably a new 150 MWac project in the United States. 5:57 am SampP futures vs fair value: 1.30. Nasdaq futures vs fair value: 5.90. 5:57 am European Markets. FTSE. 7291.98. 16.50. 0,20. DAX. 11622,62. 39.30. 0,30. 5:57 am Mercados asiáticos. Nikkei. 19365. 63.20. 0,30. Hang Seng. 22935. 190,50. 0,80. 5:38 am On The Wires (: WIRES). A Fujitsu (FJTSY) iniciará as vendas no Japão da FUJITSU Enterprise Application PLANTIA, um sistema de gerenciamento de manutenção de equipamentos para a indústria de manufatura. A PLANTIA foi desenvolvida pela Fujitsu Group, a empresa Fujitsu Engineering Technologies CytoSorbents (CTSO) e Fresenius Medical Care (FMS) concordaram em ampliar os termos de sua parceria existente e adicionar um amplo acordo de co-marketing para o CytoSorb em países onde a terapia está disponível hoje . A Syngenta (SYT) colaborou com a Accenture (ACN) para projetar e implementar um novo modelo operacional de logística digital em todos os modos de transporte, incluindo frete marítimo e aéreo em todo o mundo e frete rodoviário na América do Norte e Europa. A Citrix Systems (CTXS) introduziu a GoToConference, um pacote de videoconferência de negócios que transforma qualquer sala em uma sala de conferências para ajudar as equipes a colaborar. O GoToConference combina o hardware no local com a videoconferência GoToMeeting em uma única solução, oferecendo uma nova maneira para as equipes realizarem reuniões instantâneas e agendadas na sala de conferências. 4:39 am On The Wires (: WIRES). Gemalto (GTOMY) ANNOUNCED IT IS SUPPLYING BNP PARIBAS (BNPQY) WITH MOBILE PROTECTOR, A HIGHLY SECURE SOLUTION TO PROTECT WA. AN INNOVATIVE MULTI-BRAND, OMNI-CHANNEL MOBILE WALLET THAT COMBINES PAYMENTS, SHOPPING COUPONS AND LOYALTY PROGRAMS. GEMALTOS MOBILE PROTECTOR ENCOMPASSES AN SDK, AND BOTH A CUSTOMER ENROLLMENT AND AN AUTHENTICATION SERVER. EPSON (SEKEY) IS ONCE AGAIN SETTING THE BENCHMARK FOR PROFESSIONAL IMAGING EXCELLENCE WITH THE INTRODUCTION OF THE NEW 17-INCH EPSON SURECOLOR P5000. INCORPORATING THE LATEST IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES, THE SURECOLOR P5000 RESETS THE STANDARD FOR THE DESKTOP PHOTOGRAPHY, FINE ART, GRAPHIC DESIGN, AND PROOFING MARKETS. EQUINIX (EQIX) ANNOUNCED GLOBAL FINANCIAL CLOUD INFRASTRUCTURE PROVIDER, BEEKS FINANCIAL CLOUD, HAS DEPLOYED ON EQUINIXS CLOUD EXCHANGE AS IT CONTINUES TO EXPAND ITS BUSINESS GLOBALLY. TOSHIBA CORPORATIONS (TOSBF) STORAGE amp ELECTRONIC DEVICES SOLUTIONS COMPANY ANNOUNCED THE LAUNCH OF A NEW LINE-UP OF LOW-CAPACITANCE TVS DIODES FOR USE IN HIGH-SPEED INTERFACES IN MOBILE DEVICES, INCLUDING SMARTPHONES, TABLET PCS AND WEARABLE DEVICES. THE NEW DIODES DELIVER THE INDUSTRYS LEADING-CLASS PROTECTION PERFORMANCE. 4:32 AM AIRBUS REPORTS FY16 DELIVERIES ACHIEVING TARGETS ( EADSY ) : Co reports commercial aircraft deliveries IN 2016 WERE UP FOR THE14TH YEAR IN A ROW, REACHING A NEW COMPANY RECORD OF 688 AIRCRAFT DELIVERED TO 82 CUSTOMERS. DELIVERIES WERE MORE THAN EIGHT PERCENT HIGHER THAN THE PREVIOUS RECORD OF 635 SET IN 2015.THESE INCLUDED 545 SINGLE AISLE A320 FAMILY OF WHICH 68 WERE A320 NEO, 66 A330S, 49 A350 XWBS AND 28 A380S. OVER 40 PERCENT OF SINGLE AISLE DELIVERIES WERE THE LARGER A321 MODELS. AIRBUS ACHIEVED 731 NET ORDERS FROM 51 CUSTOMERS OF WHICH EIGHT ARE NEW. THESE INCLUDED 607 SINGLES AISLE AND 124 WIDE-BODY AIRCRAFT. AT THE END OF 2016, AIRBUS OVERALL BACKLOGSTOOD AT 6,874 AIRCRAFT VALUED AT 1,018 BILLION AT LIST PRICES 4:16 AM PEUGEOT SA REPORTS FY16 UNIT SALES INCREASED BY 5.8, TO 3,146,000 UNITS ( PEUGF ) : Co reports sales by the PSA Group increased for the third consecutive year In 2016, sales increased by 5.8, to 3,146,000 units The product offensive in the Push to Pass PLAN WAS LAUNCHED FOR THE PEUGEOT AND CITRON BRANDS. SUCCESSFUL COMMERCIAL LAUNCHES FOR THE NEW PEUGEOT 3008 SUV, EXPERT AND TRAVELLER, THE NEW CITRON C3, THE NEW JUMPY AND SPACETOURER. 3:20 AM ALBEMARLE PRICES OFFERINGS OF 250 MLN OF 3.000 NOTES DUE 2019 AND 350 MLN OF 4.500 NOTES DUE 2020 ( ALB ). 3:19 am Parsley Energy upsizes offering by 2 mln shares and prices 22 mln shares of common stock for total proceeds of 770 mLN ( PE ). 3:17 AM INTEGRA RELEASES Q4 AND FY17 GUIDANCE SEES Q4 AND FY17 EPS IN-LINE WITH CONSENSUS ( IART ). Co issues guidance for Q4 (Dec), SEES EPS OF 0.50-0.53 VS. 0.52 CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE SEES Q4 (DEC) REVS OF 256 MLN VS. 263.11 MLN CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE (RESULTING IN FULL-YEAR 2016 REVENUE OF 992 MILLION, AT THE LOW END OF THE PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED GUIDANCE RANGE)CO ISSUES GUIDANCE FOR FY17 (DEC), SEES EPS OF 1.91-1.97 VS. 1.96 CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE SEES FY17 (DEC) REVS OF 1.05-1.07 BLN VS. 1.07 BLN CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE. 2017 FINANCIAL GUIDANCE THIS PRELIMINARY 2017 GUIDANCE DOES NOT INCLUDE THE ACQUISITION OF DERMA SCIENCES ( DSCI ) which has not closed. Assumindo uma data de encerramento no final do primeiro trimestre de 2017, a Integra espera que a aquisição adicione 65 milhões em receita e seja dilutiva ao lucro ajustado por ação em aproximadamente três centavos em 2017. A aquisição deverá aumentar em função do lucro ajustado Em 2018, e para alcançar nosso retorno sobre o obstáculo do capital investido até o final do terceiro ano. 3:08 am Derma Sciences to be acquired by Integra LifeSciences ( IART ) for 7.00 per share ( DSCI ) : Derma Sciences ( DSCI ) announced that it has signed a definitive agreement whereby Derma Sciences will be acquired by Integra LifeSciences ( IART ) for 7.00 per share of common stock in cash, or a total of 204 million, and 32.00 per share for its outstanding shares of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and 48.00 per share for its Series B Convertible Preferred Stock, reflecting the stated value of such preferred stock in each case. The purchase price reflects a 40 premium to the share price as of the market close on January 10, 2017 and a 45 premium to the 30-day volume-weighTED AVERAGE SHARE PRICE OF 4.83. INTEGRA WILL ALSO ASSUME THE CONTINGENT LIABILITIES RELATED TO THE BIOD TRANSACTION, INCLUDING THE PRODUCT REGULATORY MILESTONE PAYMENT AND BOTH THE 2017 AND 2018 GROWTH EARN-OUT PAYMENTS. THE TRANSACTION, WHICH HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE BOARDS OF DIRECTORS OF BOTH COMPANIES, IS EXPECTED TO CLOSE IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2017. THE COMBINATION: EXPANDS INTEGRAS REGENERATIVE TECHNOLOGY CAPABILITIES AND ACCELERATES ITS ADVANCED WOUND CARE STRATEGY WITH THE ADDITION OF AMNIOTIC TISSUE-BASED PRODUCTS LEVERAGES ITS EXISTING SALES CHANNEL WITH THE ADDITION OF A COMPLEMENTARY LINE OF ADVANCED WOUND CARE PRODUCTS 3:06 AM ON THE WIRES (:WIRES). SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OF SEMPRA ENERGY (SRE), ANNOUNCED THE COMPANY WILL BE ONE OF THE FIRST NATURAL GAS UTILITIES IN THE UNITED STATES TO INCORPORATE INNOVATIVE FIBER OPTIC CABLE TECHNOLOGY TO DETECT IMPACTS AND LEAKS ALONG ITS TRANSMISSION AND HIGH-PRESSURE PIPELINE SYSTEM. APPTIO (APTI) INTRODUCED THE NEXT GENERATION OF ITS BILL OF IT APPLICATION. WITH IT, IT LEADERS CAN NOW SHOWCASE THE SERVICES PROVIDED TO THEIR BUSINESS PARTNERS AND DEMONSTRATE THEIR VALUE ACROSS BOTH TRADITIONAL AND CLOUD-ONLY ENVIRONMENTS. 3:05 AM HOSPITALITY PROPS PRICES OFFERINGS OF 200 MLN OF 4.50 UNSECURED SENIOR NOTES DUE 2023 AND 400 MLN OF 4.95 UNSECURED SENIOR NOTES DUE 2027 ( HPT ).

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